Monday, February 15, 2016

This Town is Coming Like A Ghost Town

I'm afraid that we have to endure the next couple of weeks in order to get back to having any sort of outdoor fun at the beach.

This past weekend, I really did try to stick it out.  I bought some rubber boots, took a hat with me and bundled myself up in a warm coat, gloves and scarf.  I don't think that I made it 5 minutes outside of my car at the inlet before the cold winds made me jog back in to the warmth of my seat heater.  I'm pretty sure that my eyeballs froze.

I've been watching the photos of a snow-covered boardwalk appear in my facebook news feed all day and I'm wondering if the snow that was supposed to fall here in Wilmington is hanging out down at the beach instead.

Temps are supposed to rise in time for the weekend, but it looks like some pretty crappy weather is going to hit the region first.  Actually, the weekend is looking pretty good.  What a shame that the only thing scheduled in Ocean City is the annual Delmarva Wool and Fiber Expo (did I even need to put a link in there?).

Since things are a bit quiet, I'm going to take a moment to tell you about how entertaining I find the local news and TV commercials in the DE/MD beach resort area.  Seriously - one of the weather guys actually apologized on facebook today because he totally didn't predict the snow that has been falling there ALL DAY.  I'm no meterologist, but wouldn't you think you'd see an all day snowfall coming?

I really think that these news anchors are broadcasting from a very small studio (or someone's living room), have to do their own hair/make-up, and wear their own clothing.  Sometimes, they show up on air wearing clothes that I would wear to Target on a Sunday morning.  Other times, they look like they are on their way to a high school prom.  Some of them have thick Delmarva accents that get more pronounced as the number of broadcasts they do increases (I swear the same woman did all of the news - morning, noon, afernoon, and evening - for three days straight on one channel).

Yup.  It's kind of like this

They have unique segments and features, such as "Fugitive Friday" and "Travels with Charlie" that will either inspire you or make you feel like they just put the "lo" in "local.

Image result for fugitive friday wboc

The local TV commercials are even better than the news.  While watching Saturday Night Live this past weekend, I really wasnt sure that the commercial that aired after the opening monologue was for real or a SNL spoof commercial.  Turned out to be a real commercial for a local car stereo sales/installation center in Sussex County (Elegance!).

The best TV ads are the ones for the car dealers.  Sometimes, they use simple video tricks and graphics to add some life to their commercials.  Or, they save money by using the family of the dealership owner to tout their deals.  Nothing sells cars like an 11 year old girl with a mouth full of braces and a lisp, right?

Can you tell I stayed indoors and watched TV all weekend?

I'm not planning to be at the beach this weekend, but the forecast is looking better and better.  I may have to sneak down for just Friday night so that I can get my fix and try out my new rubber boots on the sand.

Stay safe and stay warm!

Monday, February 08, 2016

Two if by Sea

Since Valentines Day is this Sunday, the resort towns of DE/MD are sure to be crowded with couples who are in town for a romantic (and chilly) weekend.  Many of the stores and restaurants are coming out of hibernation for this weekend only to take advantage of the business that these loving couples will be bringing to town.

With single digit low temps predicted for Saturday and Sunday, I doubt there will be much  going on outdoors.  Here are some fun and romantic indoor activities that are sure to keep everyone warm and cozy:

1.  Ice Skating at the Carousel Hotel:  This is a cheap way to get some excercise and make a fool out of yourself in front of your date.  The rink is open Friday night from 4-10 PM and all day Saturday and Sunday from 10 AM - 10 PM.  Admission is $4-$5 and skate rentals are $2-$3.  When you're done skating, you can enjoy snacks or dinner in one of the Carousel's restaurants or snack bar and maybe play a video game or two in the arcade.

The Ice Skating Rink at the Coursel Hotel in OC

2.  Late Night Bowling in Ocean City MD:  From 9:30-Midnight on Friday and Noon-Midnight on Saturday and Sunday, the general public can bowl at Ocean Lanes on 72nd St. in OCMD.  Not sure about admission or shoe rental prices, but they do have a snack bar and they serve beer (which makes this option slightly classier than the ice skating idea).

3.  If you're a big spender, The Clarion Resort in OC is offering their FeBREWary Craft Beer Lovers Package this month.  Included is a 2 night stay in a deluxe oceanfront room, a 4 pack of craft beer from local breweries, 2 beer glasses, and a $50 meal credit per room.  

4.  Clearspace Theater's "Deathtrap" in Rehoboth Beach:  Live performances on Friday and Saturday evenings at 7 PM. Tickets are $17-$32 + fees.  The performance runs approx. 2 hours, which gives you plenty of time to grab a drink after or make it an early night.

5.  Think about warmer days by going to the OC Seaside Boat Show at the Ocean City Convention Center.  Show hours are 11-7 on Friday, Saturday 10-7, Sunday 10-5.  Admission is $10.

6.  Movies.  There are two movie theaters in Ocean City and the one, mega-movieplex in Rehoboth.  There is sure to be at least one movie in one of those locations that you could both agree on (unless you are me and my husband). could always Netflix and chill ;)

I'm looking forward to heading down to the frozen sands of OC this Thursday evening.  

This weekend, I hope to do a bit of shopping for new floors for the beach house and, maybe, sneak a peak at some new cabinets and countertops as well (doesn't hurt to look).  The first day of Spring is 5 short weeks away and I'm looking forward to hanging outside again and my walks to the bay (and Harpoon Hannas!).

I hope that everyone has a warm and safe beach weekend with the one that they love or, at least, the one that they like enough to spend the weekend with!  Enjoy!