Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Goin' back home to the Mid-Atlantic Coast

I'm back at home in Wilmington after an extra long and extra lovely weekend in New England.

Boston was everything that everyone promised me it would be.  Great people, great buildings, great food, and great shopping.  I was really impressed and I'm ready to go back!  My daughter and I spent less than 24 hours in the city touring all of the tourist spots, but it was enough to whet my appetite and leave me hungry for the rest of the city.

Evening on the Charles River in Boston

On Friday morning, we drove to Portland, ME to meet our friend for brunch.  From there, we spent the next two days touring mid-coast Maine and Acadia National Park.

I won't say that I loved the coast of Maine more than I love my DE/MD beaches.  I will say that they are both very different and lovely in their own ways. 

Maine's coast is rocky with very few "sand" beaches.  
Maine has no condos, housing developments, or trailer park communities
Maine people are very nice (not that we're not - it's just that....well....)
There are very few Mercedes Benz cars in Maine
There are no airplanes flying over the Maine coast
There really is lobster everywhere in Maine
Maine does not have billboards.  It is one of three states in the US that does not.
There are quite a few tattoos in Maine.  Also man-buns and ear gauges.
Maine is breathtakingly beautiful and I'm so glad that I went to visit

Adorable Camden, ME

Just as we have our Rehoboth Avenue or Main Street in Berlin, Maine has adorable little shopping districts in almost every coastal town.  From Bar Harbor to Belfast, each town offers a unique selection of local artisan goods and non-tacky souvenirs.

Pemaquid Point Lighthouse.  Lives have been lost - for real.

At sunset, locals flock to places like lighthouses and mountain tops to get a view of the pastel skies and say good-bye to the day.  Much like our bay views from Northside Park or Indian River, these colorful sights are well worth the walk, drive, or climb.

My lunch spot on Saturday.  Near Acadia Nat. Park

I will never be able to correctly express the beauty that I saw in this region.  It gave me a new appreciation for nature, humankind, and life itself.  It was, without a doubt, one of the most awe-inspiring adventures of my life.

I'm heading back to Ocean City, MD this weekend with a renewed appreciation for soft sand and no poison ivy!  Even with it's noise and commercialism, we have some really beautiful beaches down here.

Speaking of noise...

It's Bikefest weekend in OCMD (9/15 - 9/18).  3 Doors Down is playing at the inlet along with Styx, Candlebox, and Slaughter.  Check out the website for complete schedule and ticket details.

For a more quiet event, you could check out the End of Season party on the beach at Dagsworthy Street in Dewey Beach, DE.  This event is sponsored by the Dewey Beach Business Partnership and features music, bonfire, kids juggling shows, cash bar and food at reduced prices from local restaurants.

I'm not sure where I'm going to end up this weekend, but I do know that part of my weekend plans will include a nap.  

Looking forward to exploring more US coasts, but I'm really glad to be home and close to "my ocean".

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