Saturday, February 21, 2015

Stay Home

I always say how much I love the beach in the off-season.  For the first time ever, I have to admit that it's a bit creepy down here after it's been hit by a snow blizzard and record low temps.

We rolled in to town at around 1:00 this morning.  It was 2 degrees and there were piles of snow lining coastal highway.  We could tell right away that they definitely got hit harder by the storm on Tuesday than we did up North.

Needless to say, we had to shovel our driveway in order to get in to our house. Where do we keep the key to the shed that holds our snow shovels?  In the house!

My wonderful husband shoveled until 1:45 this morning to clear our driveway  and deck so that we could unload our car.  Then, we had to hop in to bed with a few extra layers of clothing to keep warm since we keep the thermostat set at 55 degrees when we're not here (heat pumps don't do well in sub-freezing temps) and it takes forever to warm the house up.

Awww Yeah. 

There's not much open down here right now.  Today, we ventured to Roses Discount Store to look for a cheap door mat.  I didn't find one, but I did see some "designer" fragrance for $3.  Hilarious!

After buying cheap candy and wiper-washer fluid at Roses, we ventured down to the inlet to see if the beach was covered in snow.  It was!  It was so hauntingly beautiful.

Chilly boards and snowy rides

Snow-covered OC inlet
There's some more snow and some freezing rain predicted for this evening.  We're going to look for an open restaurant for dinner, then snuggle up with some Netflix.  I just heard that North Wilmington is expecting at least 8 inches of snow tonight, so it looks like we'll be doing some more shoveling when we roll back in to town tomorrow!  Stay home, stay warm, and stay safe!

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