Tuesday, July 05, 2016

Only A Memory

What are your beach vacation "triggers"?  

It can be a song, a smell, a movie, a food, a color, an article of clothing, a photo, or just a memory that you like to recall when you need it the most.

For me, it would have to be subtle sensory things such as the feel of warm sand between my fingers and toes, the sound of shore birds as they hover near a person carrying a bucket of warm french fries on the boardwalk, or the sight of children tossing neon-colored glow sticks in the air on a dark beach in the evening.

Occasionally, my daughter will hear a song and say to me, "this song reminds me of the beach". There are usually no "beachy" lyrics.  It's just a song that was popular during a time when we were at the beach on vacation, or a song that she had on a playlist that she listened to while relaxing on the sand. 

It's funny how sensory triggers have such a powerful connection to our memories.  The cologne that I wore while pregnant and having morning sickness is disgusting to me now.  I can never eat another Twinkie because it was the last thing I ate before coming down with a stomach flu in 4th grade.  And I can't even begin to list the songs that evoke instant memories - good and bad.

I started thinking about what puts me in a beach frame of mind and decided to make a list of things that are sure to put your mind at the beach if your body can't be there.

1.  Keep a seashell in your pocket
For as long as I can remember, I have kept a seashell in my purse.  Right now, I have one sitting on my desk at work (sort of like Steve Martin in "Baby Mama").  It is a great way to remind me to keep the "essence" of the seashell in everything that I do!

2.  Don't Vaccuum the Sand Out of Your Trunk
Been to the beach lately?  Chances are you have sand in your trunk.  Why not keep it there?  As you are out running your errands, you will have a happy reminder of lazy days and sun rays every time you load your groceries.

3.  Find the Nearest Body of Water
Just because you're not near the ocean, doesn't mean that you can't benefit from the calm motion of any body of water.  Be it pond, lake, river, or your local swim club, it is always relaxing to be near water - especially one with tides.  

4.  Suburban Sunbathing
If you have a deck, patio, or even just a lounge chair, you can lay under the sun in your own backyard.  Put on your bathing suit and your beach playlist and close your eyes.  I swear you'll start to hear sea gulls!

5.  Watch movies that are set in beachy locales
I'm not talking Annette and Frankie.  I mean movies with awesome beach scenes such as:
From Here To Eternity
The Notebook
Forgetting Sarah Marshall
The Talented Mr. Ripley
Great Expectations

6.  Eat Seafood
There is nothing like the taste of fresh seafood to remind you of salt water and happy times.  If you can find it, eat it!

Of course, the best way to put yourself in beach mode is to plan your next trip to the beach.  As soon as I hit the craziness of I-95 on my way home from the beach (a not so pleasant trigger), I'm already planning my next trip back.

In the meantime, I'll be the one walking through the Brandywine Target with sunburn on my shoulders, flip flops on the my feet, and a little white sea shell in my purse.

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