Saturday, July 08, 2017


Anyone who knows me can attest to the fact that there are only a few things that will make me act like a crazy woman: car trouble, large appliance trouble, and insects.

Car and appliance trouble can usually be fixed.  Insects attack you when you're not expecting it, then leave their nasty insect juice in you to itch, swell, burn and make life unbearable.  I have developed a bug phobia of sorts.  When I see an insect, I freak out and act like I'm in the scary boat ride scene in Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory. 

Last weekend, I shared the beach with thousands of people, but the only beings that bothered me were no bigger than an a few grains of sand.  After much research, I have determined that the insects that attacked me and made my week a living hell were No-See-Ums aka Sand Flies.  According to the internet, their bites produce itchy, red welts which can persist for more than a week.

Here's a picture of a dead one ('cause I killed it)

Here is a picture of what the little fuckers did to me.  They did this to various parts of my body (some of them I couldn't post).  This is under my armpit.

These little bastards were back on the beach today, but there weren't as many of them.  Yesterday, there were none.  I'm guessing it must have something to do with the environmental conditions.   I also wonder why they took many bites of my body and none of my husband's (??)

In spite of my bug "problem", I'm going to face my fear and head back to the sand next weekend.  

The DE/MD beaches are crazy crowded right now, but everyone is being pretty cool (for the most part).  If you're heading down, take your patience with you.  You're not going anywhere quickly because of the traffic and some of the tourists really don't know where they hell they're going, which makes them drive a bit erratic.  Be cool, people.

Enjoy the week and pack your bug spray!!

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