Saturday, November 15, 2014

Beach Booms

While standing on my patio in Ocean City today, I heard (and felt) a strange rumbling.  It sounded like a far away explosion and felt like a small earthquake.  Since I was waiting for my husband to emerge from our crawl space, I was thinking that an earthquake would have really sucked at that moment.  About a half hour later, it happened again. 

I didn't see anything on the news tonight, but a few people in the beach area commented on Facebook that they heard it too and it sounded like the sonic booms that have been occurring in the Ocean City area.  It was pretty strange (and a bit unnerving). 
Supersonic Booming

I checked news reports from the series of "mysterious" booms that the area experienced back in February 2014 and it was reported that they were caused by supersonic flights originating from Patuxent Naval Air Station. 

Scary stuff.  I was waiting for the house to fall on my husband and leave his legs sticking out from underneath like the Wicked Witch of the West.   And, then, a bunch of really small people would appear and start singing and dancing know the rest.

We're down here trying to get the place ready for winter without totally winterizing (we plan to be here every couple of weeks).  The friendly folks at  Fenwick Hardware made some suggestions and referred us to a plumber who will be coming out to take a look under the house and make some changes that will help to keep our pipes from freezing when we're not here.

A few weeks ago, we put our vintage-look metal "Ocean" sign up on the wall above one of the doors in our sun porch.  In case, we ever forget which way to go to get to the ocean, this sign will remind us.

We're heading home early in the morning.  Gotta get ready for my son's wedding on Friday in Wilmington.  Stay warm - it's freezing on the beach! 

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