Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Two If By Sea

There are a few weeks during the year that I really don't mind not being at the beach for: The spring Hot Rod weekend, Bike Week, and H2O weekend.  Just when I thought I was changing my mind about Bike Week, I saw this ad:

Yep - Just like it sounds

This wasn't even the most exciting of the events planned at Oasis that weekend.  There was the female server who would be allowing you to staple your tip to her body and Bikini Babe Boxing (not to be confused with the Kangaroo Boxing that was also scheduled for that weekend).  Is it wrong that there is a sick and twisted part of me that sort of would like to check this place out?  I kind of feel like, if I went there, it might end up  like the biker bar scene in Pee-Wee's Big Adventure (also not pictured:  confederate flag images).

The DE/MD coastal regions have small craft advisories and gale watches in effect through the end of this week due to tropical storm, Joaquin, which is headed up the coast from the Bahamas.  The area was definitely experiencing heavy winds and rough seas last weekend.  I ended up with sand blown in to every crack and crevice of my being just by walking down the boardwalk.  Seriously - I had sand in my nostrils.

Wind-blown sand near the OC boardwalk

Rough seas in Rehoboth

If it's fall at the beach, it is also time for Kohr Brothers Pumpkin/Cinnamon ice cream.  I gave it a taste test (just to make sure that this year's batch is o.k.).  It tastes even better when sitting on the boards watching the sea.  

Pumpkin/Cinnamon Ice Cream from Kohr Brothers

Since H2O is this coming weekend (10/2 - 10/4), I won't be heading South.  I have some concert tix and dinner plans up North.  In addition to the car weekend in OC (which I'm not even sure is "sanctioned", there is a Wine Festival at the OC Inlet and there are quite a few events happening at the Delaware beaches this weekend .  Click here for more info.

I leave you with the view from my passenger side window last Thursday night on my way to Ocean City from Wilmington.  It's a crappy shot - kind of hard to drive and hold my phone steady enough to take a decent photo - but I just wanted to show a small sample of the beauty that I pass through every week on my journey to the beach.  In the past year and a half, I have seen more amazing sunsets than I have seen during my enire lifetime.  These images prove that it truly is as much about the journey as it is the destination.  

A small slice of heaven

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