Wednesday, January 06, 2016

All The Light We Cannot See

Happy New Year!  

I just spent a fun weekend with my family in Ocean City ringing in the new year and trying to relax before heading back to work on Jan. 4.  We dined at Papa Grandes on New Years Eve (which was also their 25% off your whole check Thursday night - bonus!), then watched the fireworks at Northside Park from my front yard as we sipped champagne and listened to the revelers in the condos across the street from us (a.k.a. kids banging pots and pans).  It was a beautiful night and a great start to what promises to be a great year.

My son bought himself a new camera for Christmas and took some photos of the ocean at night while he was in town.  I was amazed at the number of stars that appeared in his shots!  I look at these skies all of the time and I can only see a fraction of what his cameral captured.  I could get all philisophical right now, but I'll just say that it's a good example of how looking at something through a different lens can make it so much more beautiful.

Like many others, one of my goals for 2016 is to eat healthier and be more active.  Since buying my beach house in 2014, I have done a really good job of sampling a good portion of the beach cuisine.  Everything from Kohr Brothers ice cream to Purple Parrot potato salad has found it's way to my ass.  It's been wonderful!  I have been able to relax and enjoy all that the resort towns have to offer in a state of full-bellied bliss.  Other excuses, such as quitting smoking and the death of my father, have enabled me to reach a new level of "curvy" and lazy.

I'm going to have to pack my willpower and my walking shoes when I head back to OC next week.  I may even consider getting my big, scary bike out of the shed (ugh).  The thing that sucks about losing weight is, unlike smoking, you can't just stop eating cold turkey.  The trick is to be smarter about what you're eating and try not to let temptation, frustration, emotion, or the fact that your husband wants to eat cheese steaks at 10 PM sabotage your efforts.

There's a whole lot of nothing going on at the DE/MD beaches this weekend.  The weather is supposed to be in the mid to high 50s, but it looks like some rain could be on the way.  Honestly, it would be a good weekend to not go to the beach.  Stay home and do shit so that you can spend your warm and sunny weekends away from home!

OC Fishing Pier and my husbands ass

I wish all three of the people who read this blog a happy, safe, healthy and prosperous 2016.  Thank you for giving me your time and allowing me to share my silly excitement about my favorite place in the world.  I'm looking forward to sharing more adventures and, maybe, trying a few new things with this year.  Stay tuned and check back soon!

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