Sunday, October 23, 2016

Halloween @ The Beach: Week #2

In my opinion, this is the most wonderful time of the year.

Whether I'm in Wilmington or Ocean City, I am in love with Fall and all that it brings to the mid-Atlantic region.

It also means that it's time (once again) for...


Awww yeah.

Packing up my yoga pants
and a cardigan or two
Heading south to the beach towns
with my crew

Watching pumpkins with wheels 
in the OC hood
Eating Kilwins candy apples
cause they taste good

We the real Sea Witches
And that's no lie
I aint got warts,
but I have a bloody eye (I really do - not sure what happened :\)

We might drink wine
We might drink beer
We might have a great time
'Cause no boyz will be here

The sun will shine
The moon will be lit
Happy Halloween to all
It's Fall and shit.

Ok.  Not my best poem, but I'm still super excited for this weekend.

Here's the Basic Bitch Itinerary:

Friday Evening
3:00ish- 5:00ish PM  Drive to OC w/my girlz 
6:00 PM - ?  Chillin' and snackin'

10:00 AM  Wags, Witches, & Warlocks Halloween Festival in Bethany Beach.  This event benefits the Delaware SPCA ($5 donation suggested) and starts with a parade at 10 AM down Garfield Parkway.  There will be a costume contest for people and pets, kids activities, and a DJ.  

1:00 PM  O.C.Toberfest Great Pumpkin Race on the OCMD boardwalk.  Once again, people will be racing their crazy, funny wheeled pumpkins down the ramp with the help of a play-by-play announcer and compete for prizes in several divisions.

2:30 PM  Sea Witch Festival in Rehoboth Beach.  This event actually starts at 10 AM with a costume parade, but we like to go after they re-open Rehoboth Avenue (well.. part of it) to traffic.  There is so much going on in Rehoboth during this event, which actually lasts all weekend.  Click on the link and find the program download for all of the info.

5:30 PM  Dinner in Rehoboth Beach.  Somewhere yummy.

7:30 PM  Back to OC for wine, candy apples and/or fudge, SNL, and watching my daughter fall asleep on my couch (love her!).

Maybe a stop at an outlet or two on our way back to Wilmington.  Got that 25% off coupon for Tangers.

Happy Halloween to all.  Here's wishing you a weekend of good weather, good parking spaces, and full-size (not fun-size) candy bars!

Monday, October 17, 2016

Halloween @ The Beach: Week 1

Here's a quick summary of my vacation at the beach last week:

  • Yard work while dodging really, really big spider
  • The remnants of Hurricane Matthew
  • Rehoboth Ave in the rain
  • Sunday Brunch on the beach
  • TJ Maxx, Gap, and Old Navy for some new fall attire
  • Long walks on the beach
  • Long walks to the park
  • Long walks on all of the boardwalks
  • Got my ass kicked in Mini Golf
  • Salisbury, MD Zoo
  • The Hobbit Restaurant at sunset
  • Rehoboth Beach Historical Society museum
  • Delicious crabcakes
This guy pretty much sums up how I felt after
playing mini-golf.  Damn I suck.

Sunset from the Hobbit Restaurant.  Pretty freakin' cool.


Colorful Flamingo at the Salisbury Zoo - one of a few
remaining animals

I will be back in Ocean City this weekend (10/21 - 10/23) to take part in the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer 5K on the boardwalk on Saturday 10/22.  I've never particpated in a 5K before and I'm really looking forward to it.  My husband is walking with me (he gets a discount on his health insurance for participating in a 5K), so I'm sure we'll have fun.  

After our walk, we'll probably hang out on the OC boardwalk to check out all of the Halloween things that are happening that day.  There is the Howl-O-Ween Pet Parade and Costume Contest, the Drive-In Disguise Car Parade, Big Toys on the Boardwalk (which is pretty much OCMD municipal vehicles that they put on the boards and let people climb in and take photos), and the Halloween Beach Maze.

The weekend weather forecast for this weekend looks promising and perfect for board-walkin'.

Fall is here!  Yay!

Thursday, October 06, 2016

Ended Summer Cruisin'

Looks like Hurricane Matthew will not be visiting the Delaware or Maryland beaches this weekend.

That means that Endless Summer Cruisin' in OC will be happening as scheduled and all of the crazy fun middle-aged (and way past middle-aged) people who attend that will be in town.

We're expecting some rain on Saturday, but that doesn't usually stop the crowds from coming.  There is a ton of stuff planned, but the Jana Kramer concert that was scheduled for Saturday has been canceled due to the fact that she hasn't been voted off of Dancing With The Stars yet.  Click here for all of the info.

I will be staying in OC all week for vacation.  In the past, we have been lucky enough to have warm and sunny weather and have enjoyed sitting on the sand for at least a couple of days during our stay.  Not sure if that's going to happen this year.  Even though we're not getting hit with a hurricane, the weather predictions are cold and cloudy.  Guess I'll have to take some jeans and sweatshirts this year.

We have no planned activities this week.  We have nothing that we have to do.  It should be a good chance to relax and catch up on some TV and reading.

If I'm feeling bored, I could work on re-inventing the flower bed in my front yard, but I'm half tempted to wait until next Spring and work on all of the beds at the same time.

There were a couple of places I would have loved to explored, but my travel buddy wasn't too thrilled with my destinations.

It's all good.  I'll find other ways to entertain myself.  Or, maybe I'll go exploring on my own!

Either way - I'm sure it will be nice to chill at the beach for a week.

Sending good thoughts to those on the coast of Florida and the southern states this week.  Hope everyone is staying safe.