Wednesday, November 02, 2016

Vote For Peace (and Quiet)

If you live in the Wilmington/Philadelphia area, I'm quite sure that you're sick and tired of watching political ads on TV.  

Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump
Katie McGinty vs. Pat Toomey
Steve Santarsiero vs. Brian Fitzpatrick
Josh Shapiro vs. John Rafferty 

It is constant.  It is annoying.  And it's only going to get worse.

If you want a much-needed break from the election battle, head to the beach.

Apparently, the Delmarva viewing area is not a heavily sought after market when it comes to political advertising.  

Other than a couple of Clinton and Trump ads, I didn't see any other TV ad mud-slinging when I was in town last weekend.

Let's be honest - we all know that Delaware and Maryland are going to vote for Clinton.  Sussex County (DE) and Worcester County (MD) residents are doing their best by putting Trump signs in their yards and Trump bumper stickers on their Ford F150s, but we all know that they can't stop their heavily populated cities of Wilmington and Baltimore from voting for Clinton.

Pennsylvania is still up in the air and I guess that's why the TV ads are so crazy in that region.  I mean, like...really crazy!

Why not head South where it's a bit more quiet?  

If you're in the area on Saturday 11/5, Burley Oak Brewery in Berlin, MD is offering a free tour at 3 PM.  

Later that night, cover band and VH1 Battle of the Bands winner, Jumper, will be playing at Fagers Island.  Showtime at 9:30 PM.

In Delaware, you could check out the season closing party on Saturday night at the Rusty Rudder w/The Loop or view some of the films on the schedule for the Rehoboth Beach Independent Film Festival (the theme for the festival this year is "tranquility", which we all really need right now!).

Whatever happens on Tuesday, we should all try to be more tolerant of those who have views that oppose our own.  I'm sure that I'm not alone when I say that I hope that our new leader will guide the country in a direction that all will want to follow and in a manner in which we can all be proud.

Namaste, bitches.

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