Sunday, May 14, 2017

Talkin' Bout Trucks

This coming weekend (5/18 - 5/21) is the one weekend that I don't want to be anywhere near my beach house.  It is time for Cruisin' Ocean City!

This year promises to be better than ever.  Celebrity guests such as Erik Estrada and Kevin Mack from Counting Cars will be in town, the Fred Flintstone Show Car will be here, and there is a Pin-Up Contest at 28th St. Pit and Pub - all good things (if you're into those sort of things).

What I can't stand about this weekend are the big trucks (and I mean really big trucks), loud cars, and the stupid spectators and pedestrians who don't use crosswalks or watch where they are going.  

My house is a few blocks from Coastal Highway and I can hear engines rumbling, tires screeching, and people hootin' and hollerin' from my house.

I may "cruise" in to town on Thursday night to mow my lawn and pay homage to the ocean, but I'll be "crusin" right back out on Friday morning before the hardcore hillbillies arrive in town.  Cruisin' weekend is no place for me or any one of my three foreign vehicles.

Have fun, y'all!  I'll see you next weekend!!

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