Monday, April 25, 2016

Yacht Rock and Yard Work

Can I just tell you one more time how much I love being here?  I don't think that I can truly describe the feeling that I get when I reach the top of the Indian River Inlet Bridge and see the ocean on my left and the bay on my right.  Breathtaking is the only word that comes to mind.  Breathtaking views, breathtaking sunsets, breathtaking walks on the beach, and breathtaking trips to the grocery store.  

Seriously people.  Here was my view during my after-dinner walk on Saturday night:

It has been over two years since I purchased my home in Ocean City, MD and I grow more and more in love with this area every day.  I call Wilmington my home, but the beach is where I truly "live".
Days like last Friday - with 70s soft rock playing as I get my yard and patio ready for the summer season  - are the reason I don't mind the sometimes challenging two hour drive and the big property tax bill that I now have to pay every year.

My husband has been wanting a mounted swordfish or marlin to hang up on the one wall that remains empty in our beach house.  The idea of a slimy-ish fish staring at me all night does not appeal to me at all.  I decided to compromise and create a glass mosaic of a white marlin.  

Here is the wall that's waiting for the finished project:

Here is my progress on the White Marlin so far:

It's sort of hard to imagine how this is going to look when it comes together.  Even I don't really know how it will evolve.  I'm looking forward to working on this throughout the next month or so and, hopefully, getting it on the wall some time this summer.

Lots of stuff is starting to happen down here.  Coastal Highway in OC is still pretty torn up from the repaving project, but I'm thinking that should be done by Springfest on May 5.

If you do venture down, you can take advantage of Restaurant Week in OC and check out the Kitefest on the OC boardwalk this weekend (April 29-30).  I remember seeing this last year and it was pretty cool to watch.

I'm looking forward to the end of the week when I can head back to the beach again.  I'm hoping that either my mother or my daughter will join me for a night or two.  If not, I will enjoy it on my own!  Ahoy!!

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