Sunday, May 01, 2016

Fun Starts Now!

I am giddy with excitement.  May is finally here!  As a part-time beach resident, it means we get to enjoy twice a week trash pickup again, as well as the Tiki Bar at Harpoon Hannas (opened 4/29).

OC Springfest is this weekend.  This year, the big musical acts are:  Collective Soul, Dr. K's Motown Revue (?), and Sara Evans.  I'm not sure if I'll be attending this year but, if I do, I will go early to avoid the parking woes I experienced last year.  I will also not be dining in the Springfest area (too expensive).  

The White Marlin Mosaic Project is coming along nicely.  I made a bit of progress this week.  Here are some updated photos below.  You can sort of tell that it's a fish of some sort, right?

I'm considering selling my beach cruiser.  I only rode it twice last summer and I don't like riding alone.  My husband doesn't seem interested in purchasing a bike for himself, so I figure that I might as well make a couple of bucks and give us some more room in the shed.  I'm sort of sad about this, but I just don't feel entirely comfortable on it and I'm sick of it reminding me what a loser I am every time I open the shed door!

For Sale?
If you'd rather hang in Delaware this weekend, go to Dewey Beach.  There is an Arts Festival on Dagsworthy St. on Saturday from 9:30-4:30 and...oh my....a Cinco de Mayo Chihuahua Dog Race at noon at the Dewey Beach Life Saving Station.

Go to the beach this weekend!  Check out Funland in Rehoboth (it opens this weekend!), then make your way down to OC to Springfest.  I'll be praying that the Weather Gods are smiling on Delmarva and keeping all of us dry and warm.  

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