Monday, May 30, 2016

In Search Of: Crabcakes, Sunshine, and Happiness

The first official weekend of the 2016 is under our belts and, if the size of the crowds in the  DE/MD resort areas are any indication of what's to come, we are in for a very busy summer season.

It could be that everyone was so sick of the rain and cold weather, they decided to go to the beach to celebrate the sun and warm temps.  And I do mean everyone.  It was crazy crowded down there and traffic leaving town was gridlocked for miles on Sunday afternoon (before the rains came).

A patriotic start to summer in OCMD 

I spent a few glorious days in OC doing what I love the most - spending time with family and friends and taking walks on the beach, the boardwalk, and to the bay.  I got a bunch of stuff done around the beach house and continued my quest for the best crab cake in the area.

Here are a couple more reviews:

Kirby's Red Onion Grill (138th St. OCMD):  This cake is my favorite so far.  Though it's not really lumpy, it does have a really good flavor and isn't spicy or mustard-y.  I got it on a bun because I like the rolls at Kirby's.  It was a good choice and I'll definitely be ordering it again!  I give Kirby's crab cake 4 claws.

Bull on the Beach (94th St. OCMD):  I wasn't going to eat a crab cake at a place that specializes in beef, but the menu claimed it was homemade, so I couldn't resist.  I'm glad I didn't.  I ordered the single crab cake dinner.  It comes with 2 sides of your choice and includes a generously-sized cake that is perfectly crusty on the outside and creamy and lumpy inside.  The flavor was good, but not quite as strong as Kirby's.  I'm giving it 3 claws. 

Speaking of crabs, it looks like there is a new restaurant moving in to the former Blue Ox space on 123rd St. in OC.  A "Crabby Pig" sign went up last week and it looks like they have quite a few people working hard to freshen up the place.  My guess is that it is trying to compete with the nearby Crab Bag, which is famous for their crabs and BBQ.  I know that businesses try to appeal to the family atmosphere of OCMD in the summer and they want to give people more food for less money, but it would be really nice to see a restaurant open up that doesn't have an animated crustacean or mammal in their name or logo.  But, then again, this is the same town whose biggest crowd draw on their boardwalk is a guy who spray paints tropical beach scenes.  Sooo.....

More pork for your fork coming soon!

It was nice to get back to what feels right to me.  Flip flops, outdoor showers, and sand between my toes are all things that I have been missing since Fall of last year and I was so glad to experience them all this weekend.  I'm looking forward to doing it all again next week (assuming that the weather cooperates - it's looking a bit iffy).  

I don't expect big crowds again until vacation season starts in July, but I know that it won't be quiet in the resort areas anytime soon.  Graduating high school seniors will be in town for the next couple of weeks, next week is Restaurant Week in Downtown Rehoboth, and OCMD is hosting the Baltimore Ravens parade on 6/4.    

Lots of good stuff is happening every weekend now.  Stay dry and stay safe!

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Memorial Day 2016

The summer season is starting this weekend and I am not completely ready.  I feel like the cold, rainy Spring has screwed with the natural order of my Summer prep (i.e. going to Target for citronella candles, OFF! spray, and new flip flops).  All will be well though because I'm taking an extended weekend and heading to the beach on Tuesday night instead of Thursday this week.  I'm looking forward to a long and relaxing weekend and maybe getting on the sand (finally).

In OCMD, the classic summer activities are starting, such as OC Beach Lights on the boardwalk (May 28 & 29 at 9:30, 10:00, and 10:30 PM) and a special Friday night movie at Northside Park (showtime 8:30, Free admission, bring a chair or blanket).

Movies in Northside Park

In Bethany Beach, they are kicking off their Summer concert series with the U.S. Navy Cruisers Pop/Rock band on Saturday 5/28 and Sean Reilly (Sinatra Tribute) on Sunday 5/29.  Both shows start at 7:30 at the bandstand.

Rehoboth Beach has Mike Hines & The Look at the bandstand on 5/28 at 8:00 PM and a historic walking tour scheduled for 5/30 at 9 AM (meet at the bandstand).

Dewey Beach has lots of bands slated to play at several clubs this weekend (too many to mention). Check out for a full listing.

On holiday weekends, I prefer spur of the moment and unplanned activities.  A walk to Harpoon Hannas after dark to sip Orange Crushes on the Tiki Bar, a walk to Northside Park at sunset, or a drive inland to Selbyville or West OC to discover antique stores or just see the some pretty scenery.

Drinks at Harpoon Hannas Tiki Bar

Since people might be dipping their toes in the ocean this weekend, here is some information on rip currents that is worth a look.  OC Beach Patrol has already rescued a couple of idiots who decided to swim in the cold, unguarded water.  95% of all drownings occur when the Beach Patrol is not on duty.  And to parents:  remember that the lifeguards are not babysitters.  Keep an eye on your children and, please don't let them swim when the beaches are unguarded.

Welcome to Summer 2016!  I'm excited to be spending it at the DE/MD beaches and, this year, I'm going to explore some new waters (so excited!).  Stay tuned and check back often!

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Life Is A (Unpaved) Highway

This coming weekend (5/19 - 5/22) is the Spring Cruise Weekend in Ocean City, MD a.k.a the only weekend I don't want to be in Ocean City, MD.
Because it's when my part-time hometown turns in to a noisy, gas-stinkin' playground for a bunch of douchebags who think they have nice-ass cars (which ruins it for the non-douchebags who are in town and actually DO have nice-ass cars - even though they bring noise and gas stink too).

So classy

Therefore, IF I decide to head South to the beach this weekend, I will be avoiding Coastal Highway at all costs and staying in Delaware.

I could head to Rehoboth Beach to see the VIA Designer Showhouse in Henlopen Acres.  For $25, I can tour a completely remodeled 1960s beach house on 3/4 acre.  This particular home was constructed in 1965 by Selbyville Manufacturing Company and is a classic "rambler" style ranch.

- OR -

If I wake up early enough on 5/21/16, I can join the Boats, Buttons, Beans, & Beer Walking Tour in historic Milton, DE.  This guided tour costs $5 and runs from 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM.  It's a mile-long journey through the streets and alleys of historic Milton.  Not sure if you get any beer (or beans), but you can contact Dogfish head to sign up for a tour of the brewery after the walking tour ends.

Historic Milton, DE
Even if I just stay in my house and walk to the beach, park, or bay it will be better than dealing with the shit show on Coastal Hwy.  I sort of need to go down and mow the lawn, but I may just decide to stay in Wilmington instead to sit on my nice, quiet suburban deck.

If you're heading to OCMD, be careful and be patient.  The re-paving of Coastal Highway is still not finished and you don't want to destroy the 24" rims on your 1988 Honda Civic.

Ironically, the forecast is calling for higher temps and little chance of rain this weekend so, in spite of the noise and the stench, it may actually be a great weekend to be on the sand.

Be careful out there and enjoy the sun!

Sunday, May 08, 2016

Here Comes the...Clouds

Where the hell is the sun?  

I seriously don't ever remember a Spring that was so gloomy, damp, and dark.  I kept thinking that I would have a day that's warm and sunny enough to sit on the beach with a good book and a light sweatshirt.  Didn't happen.  

It looks like we're just gonna skip Spring this year and head straight in to Summer.  In that case, lets look forward to this weekend and hope for warmer/sunnier times.

On Saturday 5/14 from 1-3 in OC, it's the 12th Annual White Marlin Festival and Crab Soup Cook-off.  This event features Crab Soups from local chefs.  For $15, you can taste all of the soups and vote for your favorite.

Speaking of Crab Soup, here is a recipe for Maryland Crab Soup that my friend (and hair stylist), Joann, just sent to me via text message.  She promises that it will be the best soup I'll ever eat.  Now that I don't have a crab fallergy anymore, I'm looking forward to trying it.  You can tell by the condition of the recipe, that it's well-worn and well-loved:

In case you can't read it, it looks like it says:

Parsley & Oregano
2 cups ketchup
2 big cans diced tomatoes
1 big bag mixed veggies
5 big potatoes
2 cans crab meat
Old Bay (as much as you like)
1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce
2 big cans beef broth
1 cup water
Put all in a stock pot together on medium heat.

Because I usually modify most recipes to my liking anyway, I love that she isn't real specific about any of the ingredients.  One of the other stylists at her salon said that he throws all of the above ingredients in a crock pot before he goes to work and eats it for dinner when he gets home.  Yum!

I have a great recipe for Cream of Crab that I will post in the Fall or Winter (even though it's cold enough to eat a big bowl of it today).

It's still not quite kickin' at the resort areas yet.  I'm heading to town on Thursday night for a quick overnight and lawn cut (and trash - thank God - Friday trash pick up starts this week!), then back to Wilmington for our annual Friends and Family Yard Sale.

I'll be getting my earplugs and patience ready for next weekend when it's Cruise Weekend in OC (ugh).  

Stay warm and pray for sun!

Sunday, May 01, 2016

Fun Starts Now!

I am giddy with excitement.  May is finally here!  As a part-time beach resident, it means we get to enjoy twice a week trash pickup again, as well as the Tiki Bar at Harpoon Hannas (opened 4/29).

OC Springfest is this weekend.  This year, the big musical acts are:  Collective Soul, Dr. K's Motown Revue (?), and Sara Evans.  I'm not sure if I'll be attending this year but, if I do, I will go early to avoid the parking woes I experienced last year.  I will also not be dining in the Springfest area (too expensive).  

The White Marlin Mosaic Project is coming along nicely.  I made a bit of progress this week.  Here are some updated photos below.  You can sort of tell that it's a fish of some sort, right?

I'm considering selling my beach cruiser.  I only rode it twice last summer and I don't like riding alone.  My husband doesn't seem interested in purchasing a bike for himself, so I figure that I might as well make a couple of bucks and give us some more room in the shed.  I'm sort of sad about this, but I just don't feel entirely comfortable on it and I'm sick of it reminding me what a loser I am every time I open the shed door!

For Sale?
If you'd rather hang in Delaware this weekend, go to Dewey Beach.  There is an Arts Festival on Dagsworthy St. on Saturday from 9:30-4:30 and...oh my....a Cinco de Mayo Chihuahua Dog Race at noon at the Dewey Beach Life Saving Station.

Go to the beach this weekend!  Check out Funland in Rehoboth (it opens this weekend!), then make your way down to OC to Springfest.  I'll be praying that the Weather Gods are smiling on Delmarva and keeping all of us dry and warm.