Monday, May 30, 2016

In Search Of: Crabcakes, Sunshine, and Happiness

The first official weekend of the 2016 is under our belts and, if the size of the crowds in the  DE/MD resort areas are any indication of what's to come, we are in for a very busy summer season.

It could be that everyone was so sick of the rain and cold weather, they decided to go to the beach to celebrate the sun and warm temps.  And I do mean everyone.  It was crazy crowded down there and traffic leaving town was gridlocked for miles on Sunday afternoon (before the rains came).

A patriotic start to summer in OCMD 

I spent a few glorious days in OC doing what I love the most - spending time with family and friends and taking walks on the beach, the boardwalk, and to the bay.  I got a bunch of stuff done around the beach house and continued my quest for the best crab cake in the area.

Here are a couple more reviews:

Kirby's Red Onion Grill (138th St. OCMD):  This cake is my favorite so far.  Though it's not really lumpy, it does have a really good flavor and isn't spicy or mustard-y.  I got it on a bun because I like the rolls at Kirby's.  It was a good choice and I'll definitely be ordering it again!  I give Kirby's crab cake 4 claws.

Bull on the Beach (94th St. OCMD):  I wasn't going to eat a crab cake at a place that specializes in beef, but the menu claimed it was homemade, so I couldn't resist.  I'm glad I didn't.  I ordered the single crab cake dinner.  It comes with 2 sides of your choice and includes a generously-sized cake that is perfectly crusty on the outside and creamy and lumpy inside.  The flavor was good, but not quite as strong as Kirby's.  I'm giving it 3 claws. 

Speaking of crabs, it looks like there is a new restaurant moving in to the former Blue Ox space on 123rd St. in OC.  A "Crabby Pig" sign went up last week and it looks like they have quite a few people working hard to freshen up the place.  My guess is that it is trying to compete with the nearby Crab Bag, which is famous for their crabs and BBQ.  I know that businesses try to appeal to the family atmosphere of OCMD in the summer and they want to give people more food for less money, but it would be really nice to see a restaurant open up that doesn't have an animated crustacean or mammal in their name or logo.  But, then again, this is the same town whose biggest crowd draw on their boardwalk is a guy who spray paints tropical beach scenes.  Sooo.....

More pork for your fork coming soon!

It was nice to get back to what feels right to me.  Flip flops, outdoor showers, and sand between my toes are all things that I have been missing since Fall of last year and I was so glad to experience them all this weekend.  I'm looking forward to doing it all again next week (assuming that the weather cooperates - it's looking a bit iffy).  

I don't expect big crowds again until vacation season starts in July, but I know that it won't be quiet in the resort areas anytime soon.  Graduating high school seniors will be in town for the next couple of weeks, next week is Restaurant Week in Downtown Rehoboth, and OCMD is hosting the Baltimore Ravens parade on 6/4.    

Lots of good stuff is happening every weekend now.  Stay dry and stay safe!

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