Sunday, May 08, 2016

Here Comes the...Clouds

Where the hell is the sun?  

I seriously don't ever remember a Spring that was so gloomy, damp, and dark.  I kept thinking that I would have a day that's warm and sunny enough to sit on the beach with a good book and a light sweatshirt.  Didn't happen.  

It looks like we're just gonna skip Spring this year and head straight in to Summer.  In that case, lets look forward to this weekend and hope for warmer/sunnier times.

On Saturday 5/14 from 1-3 in OC, it's the 12th Annual White Marlin Festival and Crab Soup Cook-off.  This event features Crab Soups from local chefs.  For $15, you can taste all of the soups and vote for your favorite.

Speaking of Crab Soup, here is a recipe for Maryland Crab Soup that my friend (and hair stylist), Joann, just sent to me via text message.  She promises that it will be the best soup I'll ever eat.  Now that I don't have a crab fallergy anymore, I'm looking forward to trying it.  You can tell by the condition of the recipe, that it's well-worn and well-loved:

In case you can't read it, it looks like it says:

Parsley & Oregano
2 cups ketchup
2 big cans diced tomatoes
1 big bag mixed veggies
5 big potatoes
2 cans crab meat
Old Bay (as much as you like)
1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce
2 big cans beef broth
1 cup water
Put all in a stock pot together on medium heat.

Because I usually modify most recipes to my liking anyway, I love that she isn't real specific about any of the ingredients.  One of the other stylists at her salon said that he throws all of the above ingredients in a crock pot before he goes to work and eats it for dinner when he gets home.  Yum!

I have a great recipe for Cream of Crab that I will post in the Fall or Winter (even though it's cold enough to eat a big bowl of it today).

It's still not quite kickin' at the resort areas yet.  I'm heading to town on Thursday night for a quick overnight and lawn cut (and trash - thank God - Friday trash pick up starts this week!), then back to Wilmington for our annual Friends and Family Yard Sale.

I'll be getting my earplugs and patience ready for next weekend when it's Cruise Weekend in OC (ugh).  

Stay warm and pray for sun!

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