Sunday, August 28, 2016

Cool For The Summer

I really can't believe that we have reached the end of the Summer season.  Labor Day is this coming Monday and I am working on my list of things that I haven't done yet this summer.  I have yet to eat an ice cream cone while walking on the boardwalk and I didn't swim in the ocean at all (well...not above my kneecaps). 

Although I will be visiting the beach long after the crowds disappear, that water is going to start getting really cold pretty soon.  

I only have another week or two to make up for my laziness and experience all of the things that I won't be able to do for the next 9 or 10 months.

Since it will be a long weekend and I am off work on Monday, I plan to check out Sundaes in the Park at Northside Park in OCMD on Sunday night (9/4).  From 7-9 PM, there will be live music by The Janitors, ice cream sundaes, and a fireworks show.

After the fireworks end, I may hurry up to the boardwalk for the last OC Beach Lights show.  There are showings at 9:30, 10, and 10:30 PM.  I know it's a bit tacky, but I love seeing how excited some people get while watching it.  Maybe I can eat my ice cream cone while I'm there!

On Monday 9/5, everyone can mourn the end of Summer 2016 at the Jazz Funeral in Bethany Beach.  This is something I've always wanted to see.  Maybe I'll hang around town until late that night so that I can check it out.

I'm hoping for cooler temps and no rain this weekend.  I've been trying to be consistent with my 10,000 steps per day.  That goal has allowed me to experience a closer view of my neighborhood at the beach, which I now love even more.  It has given me a better view of the stars (even shooting ones!), beautiful bay sunsets, and still-warm sand under a dark sky.

I'll be hanging with my family in OCMD and enjoying lots of love and laughter as we try to squeeze every last glorious second of summer in to a weekend.  

I leave you with a melancholy poem as we transition in to what is sure to be another beautiful Fall season at the beach: 

So here's an end of roaming
  On eves when autumn nighs:
The ear too fondly listens
  For summer's parting sighs,
  And then the heart replies.

                                       - AE Housman

I found this cool Tervis Tumbler at Fenwick Float-ors.  Fall is coming!!

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Gotta Catch 'Em All

It was getting dark as I entered Northside Park on Wednesday evening.  Heat lightening was  flashing across the bay and I knew that I must complete my 10,000 steps before the big storm that was predicted for that evening came my way.

I expected that I would be alone and be able to walk a brisk pace to finish quickly.  When I approached the closed snack bar, there were a few dudes standing there looking at their phones.  As I walked a bit further toward the bay, a group of teens were walking toward me and they were searching for something...with their phones up in the air.  

A year ago, I would have thought that these were a bunch of creepy people and that they were going to rob me, rape me, then throw me in the bay.  Today, I know that Northside Park is a Pokemon Gym (a.k.a a place where people who can't get dates go to strengthen their Pokemon or battle other "trainers").

If you are a seeker of Pokemon, OCMD is chock full of them (apparently).  Even the official city web site tells you where in the city that you can catch the rare and prized digital creatures.

Check it out here

It's cool that people are hanging out in the park and getting exercise and stuff, but it is a little annoying when people are trying to catch Pokemon while driving.  Seriously people.  If you can't be cool, be safe.

This coming weekend (8/25-8/28) is Jeep Week in Ocean City.  So... that's cool.

I'll be heading down again to enjoy the good weather (hopefully) and hang w/my daughter and her homies.

Looking forward to an awesome rest of the summer and an even better fall season.  Peace y'all!

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Beach Vacation "Must Do" List

If you're only going to be in the DE/MD resort areas for a week, you want to make the most of your short time there.

There are a few things that you must try so that you can truly say that you've experienced the best that this region has to offer.  This list is my take on what is awesome about the DE/MD beaches:

1.  Fractured Prune Doughnuts
With locations from Rehoboth to OCMD, you can start your day with a dozen or so of these deep-fried, amazing, circles of goodness.

2.  Driving over the Indian River Inlet Bridge
You need to drive over this during the day to see the ocean on one side and the bay on the other.  Drive over it again at night to see the cool, blue way that it's lit up.

3.  Tanger Outlet Shopping
There are three Tanger locations in Rehoboth Beach and one in Ocean City.  Try to pick a time to go that isn't on a weekend or when it's raining.  This is some serious shopping. 

4.  Walk down Rehoboth Avenue (and surrounding streets)
So many unique stores and restaurants.  Parking is sometimes tough to find, but keep circling and a space will open.

5.  Sunset over the bay
Any spot will do, but some are nicer than others.  Ropewalk in OCMD (82nd St.) offers a great view, but the best I've seen is from the pier on Northside Park (OCMD).

6.  Thrasher's French Fries
I don't think I'd ever stand in line for these (many people do), but they are pretty good.  Salt and malt vinegar are the only way to top these.  Don't ask for ketchup - it's not available.

7.  Ocean City Boardwalk
Even if you don't have kids, this is the best free entertainment you're going to find anywhere.  Just sitting on a bench and people watching for an hour is sure to be interesting.

8.  Mini Golf
You don't need kids for this either.  In fact, kids go too slow and really kind of suck at this (c'mon let's be honest).  Nothing wrong with a little friendly competition.  Find one with lots of water features to make you feel cool.

9.  Berlin, MD
This little town was once named "America's Coolest Small Town" by Budget Travel.  I wouldn't say that it's "cool",  but there are some nice shops, restaurants, and people.  It's not far from Ocean City and it's a nice little excursion if you don't feel like sitting on the beach.

Downtown Berlin, MD

10.  The Ocean
That's why you're here, right?  Don't forget to visit it, plop a chair in front of it, worship it, and maybe even stand in front of it at night and look up at the stars and gaze in amazement at the beauty and enormity of it all.

Sunday, August 07, 2016

Sex On The Beach

Hey Kids!

Once again, it seems that it's time to brush up on our beach etiquette.  

From what I've seen, heard, and read, some people seem to think they are unseen and unheard by others while they are on the sand.

Example:  On Monday, July 27th, a Frederick, MD couple (ages 20 and 23) were arrested and charged with indecent exposure and possession of an open container of alcohol.  Apparently this couple was "engaging in sex" less than 100 feet from the boardwalk.   Perhaps the open container of alcohol had something to do with this.

To prevent arrest or, simply, pissing off your fellow sand-mates, here are some simple beach etiquette rules you should follow:

1.  Keep the beach PDA G-Rated
Sun, sand,surf and nearly naked bodies are natural aphrodisiacs.  I get it.  But keep it on the surface and save the deep diving for the condo. 

2.  Don't Encroach Others Towel Territory
When you think you've found the perfect spot on the sand, please be mindful of those who came first.  There is a certain respectable distance that should be kept between sun worshippers.  Depending on the crowd at the beach, this should be anywhere from 4-6 feet minimum.

3.  Hold It In
People seem to be very divided on whether or not it's ok to pee in the ocean.  Since I remember doing this as a child, I can't preach and tell people that it's a sin.  I will say that it would be awfully nice if you were to move away from other swimmers so that no one gets slapped by a warm wave carrying your urine.

4.  Use Your Inside Voice
People think that they have to scream over the sound of the crashing waves in order to be heard by their friends and family.  The problem is that the entire beach can hear them as well.  If you need to discuss personal matters, get closer to the individual that you want to talk to and speak in a normal tone.  Seriously.  You are so fucking annoying.  

5.  Don't Feed The Seagulls
Why do people even think that this is entertaining?  How would they like it if we all showed up to their house in Pennsatucky, PA with nuts and cheese for all of the squirrels and then left town?

6.  Fill In Your Sand Hole
You though it was fun to bury all of your friends up to their necks.  After you've posted your photos of this debauchery on social media, be sure to fill in your hole to prevent sprained ankles and lost children.

7.  Stay Home
If your kids are miserable, your fighting with your mate, or you have had a little too many Orange Crushes, please do everyone else a favor and just don't go to the beach.  Most of us have just a precious few vacation days to spend on the sand and we don't want to share it with dramatic sourpuss people.

C'mon people!  Dave Grohl and Ryan Philippe were vacationing at the Delaware beaches last week!  Do we really want to act like fools when big celebrities are in our towns?

I'm trying not to turn in to one of those people who can't wait for October and the end of the tourist season.  Truthfully, bad beach behavior is one of my greatest forms of entertainment right now.  Last weekend, I saw a girl wearing an ankle bracelet (not the jewery kind) and my husband and I just had to walk to the surf to see if it was water resistant, or if she had to put a Wonder Bread bag on it or something.  Sometimes I scare myself when I think of how easily amused I am these days.

Here's hoping for another sunny week in the DE/MD resort towns!  Enjoy these last precious weeks of summer!

Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Changes

It's been a couple of weeks since my last post and, truthfully, not much has changed since then.  

The beaches are still packed, traffic is still crazy, and the vacation season is in full swing.

The cool thing is that most people seem to be in a pretty good mood.  The vibe is awesome and the weather hasn't been too bad either.

This past weekend, we tried the new restaurant, Fin Alley, in Fenwick Island.  I was impressed.  The food, service, and atmosphere were great and the prices were really, really reasonable.  We started with the Crab Salsa appetizer, which was loaded with big lumps of delicious crabmeat and super fresh ingredients.  I chose the crabcake entree and found what is, so far, the best crabcake that I have eaten all summer.  I give Fin Alley and their crabcakes an enthusiastic 4 claws!
Added bonus:  the couple at the table next to us was having an argument.  Beautiful sunset view AND eavesdropping on someone elses business made for a truly fun evening!

Delicious Crabcakes at Fin Alley in Fenwick Island

Since my life has become eerily similar to a Rheumatoid Arthritis medication commercial, I'm going to another outdoor evening concert this weekend.  Classic Albums Live:  David Bowie will be at the Freeman Stage at Bayside on Saturday 8/6.   I attended my first show at the Freeman Stage earlier this month (Back to the 80s Show with Jessie's Girl) and was so impressed by the friendly staff and the way that they kept things organized.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a cool night with no rain and no mosquitos!  

Bowie by the Beach

I've been keeping it pretty calm this summer.  I have not done my usual amount of exploring and dropping in on other beach towns.  Perhaps it's because I don't want to fight crowds, spend money on parking, or get sweaty (it has been a very warm summer).  The recent news reports of the arrests on the OCMD boardwalk last week have me a bit shaken, but not enough to stay away.  I know how the boardwalk usually is on a busy summer night and whatever happened there was certainly an anomoly.  Maybe this weekend I will take a ride up to the boards for my daily walk.

It has been so nice to share the sand with happy families on vacation.  This summer more than others, I have noticed that people seem to be having a bit more fun with each other.  Maybe it's just me.  But it would be cool if I'm right.  

Happy beachin', Bitches!  See ya' on the sand.