Sunday, August 21, 2016

Gotta Catch 'Em All

It was getting dark as I entered Northside Park on Wednesday evening.  Heat lightening was  flashing across the bay and I knew that I must complete my 10,000 steps before the big storm that was predicted for that evening came my way.

I expected that I would be alone and be able to walk a brisk pace to finish quickly.  When I approached the closed snack bar, there were a few dudes standing there looking at their phones.  As I walked a bit further toward the bay, a group of teens were walking toward me and they were searching for something...with their phones up in the air.  

A year ago, I would have thought that these were a bunch of creepy people and that they were going to rob me, rape me, then throw me in the bay.  Today, I know that Northside Park is a Pokemon Gym (a.k.a a place where people who can't get dates go to strengthen their Pokemon or battle other "trainers").

If you are a seeker of Pokemon, OCMD is chock full of them (apparently).  Even the official city web site tells you where in the city that you can catch the rare and prized digital creatures.

Check it out here

It's cool that people are hanging out in the park and getting exercise and stuff, but it is a little annoying when people are trying to catch Pokemon while driving.  Seriously people.  If you can't be cool, be safe.

This coming weekend (8/25-8/28) is Jeep Week in Ocean City.  So... that's cool.

I'll be heading down again to enjoy the good weather (hopefully) and hang w/my daughter and her homies.

Looking forward to an awesome rest of the summer and an even better fall season.  Peace y'all!

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