Sunday, August 30, 2015

Have Fun Bitches

Due to obligations up North, I won't be joining the masses at the beach this weekend.  I'm not saying that I'm going to miss the traffic, the crowded beach, the crowds at the restaurants and grocery stores, and parking challenges.  I will, however, miss just being at the beach.

The summer season is over.  My trunk is filled with sand.  Although I still look forward to many more adventures by the sea before the weather turns bitter cold, I know that I must focus my attention on my real life in Wilmington. 

Another awesome OCMD sunset
The beach has given me an escape from the everyday.  It has allowed me to be in a place isn't tainted by the stressors that are making my life more and more challenging.  It gives me an excuse to not be home when, sometimes, maybe I should.  In other words - I shouldn't live with my toes in the sand and my head in the clouds.

Salt air and vivid sunsets have softened my edges. They have brought me peace and made me slow down.  They make me stop and ask myself if I am really doing the right thing for myself and others.  The beauty of the beach is so enormous to me sometimes that it is hard for me to remember that there is another world beyond it.  But, alas, there is.  And, sometimes, I have to do some very real things in that very real world beyond the beach.

I did take advantage of the beautiful weather this past weekend to try something that I've always wanted to do:  Eat a pizza on the roof at Tony's Pizza on the boardwalk in OCMD.  The pizza was good (not great) and was waaaayyyy expensive ($30 for medium pizza and a beer), but I did enjoy the view from their HUGE rooftop dining area. 

Expensive pizza on the roof at Tony's

While I was on the boards, I also had the chance to check out the sand sculptures created for OC Sandfest.  There were some really cool entries, but I honestly thought that the guy that creates the religious sand sculptures did the best job.  Seriously - some of his stuff is amazing and he created a new, special sculpture just in time for Sandfest.  The sculptures took on a new life after dark, when they were lit with colored spotlights.  It was really pretty and I'm glad I had the chance to see them.

Sandfest sculpture and a beautiful sky

I'll be back on the sand on September 10.  I'll try to post before then.  I wish you all a safe and happy Labor Day weekend!!

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