Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Beach PDA: Get A Room

Inappropriate PDA Encounter #1:  I had to look twice.  I'm not weird.  I just wanted to be sure I was seeing what I thought I was seeing.  It was 2:30 AM and my husband and I decided to go on a late-night grocery run to the Food Lion on Coastal Hwy in Ocean City.  On our way home, we noticed two figures moving on a balcony of a certain motel that has blue light bulbs outside of each room.  A couple was fully engaged in...well...we'll just say that they were "doing it".  It didn't matter that it was Memorial Day weekend and the streets were still filled with people leaving the bars.  It didn't matter that their balcony was only on the 2nd floor and very close to the street.  It didn't matter that they were making really good use of the cheap, resin furniture that wouldn't be cleaned before the next guests arrived. 

Inappropriate PDA Encounter #2:  Fast forward to a few weeks ago, when my daughter and I went to the beach at night to see the super moon and meteor shower combo.  We noticed a dark mass near the surf on the brightly lit beach.  As we got closer to the water, it was clear that it was two people doing God-knows-what on the sand.  Whatever they were doing required them to be on top of each other.  Not wanting to see any more than one super moon that night, we walked in a different direction from where they were.

Inappropriate PDA Encounter #3:  Last weekend, there was a young couple sitting in front of my family (and a million others) who couldn't keep their hands off of each other.  Every time I looked at them, they were making out, wrestling in the sand, or caressing one or more parts of each others bodies.  It got so intense that everyone in our area of the beach got eerily quiet and started looking at each other and shaking their heads.  Little kids were snickering as their parents hushed them.  How did this couple not know that they had become a spectacle?  It didn't take long before their hormones got the best of them and they left to finish what they started on the sand.

I know that the beach (especially at night) can be a very romantic place.  Combine that with some drinks, bikinis, and a "I'm on vacation" attitude and you can get a little caught up in the moment.  What I don't understand is why people are not realizing - or, maybe, not caring- that there are close to a million people on the island right now and WE CAN SEE YOU!! (And, sadly, you don't look nearly as good to us as you do to each other)  They say that love is blind, but it doesn't make you invisible!

Did these people not learn anything from couple on top of the Chipotle restaurant on Main St. in Newark a few months ago?  Or the couple in the apartment above the Piazza in the Northern Liberties section of Philly during the World Cup?  Do they really want to become the butt of jokes on late-night TV and morning radio?

Just because Ocean City has a stripper working a pole on the boardwalk doesn't mean that we need to trash up the rest of the town.  Keep it clean, people.  Try to remember that there are children watching and save the heavy petting for a private place...I mean somewhere where no one can see you...that kind of private place.

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