Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Ocean City To Consider Ban on Short Term Single Family Home Rentals

Tonight, Ocean City's Planning and Zoning Commission are set to discuss the possibility of banning short term rentals of single family homes in certain neighborhoods in Ocean City.

Since I own a home in one of these "certain neighborhoods", I must say that I'm upset about this possibility.  Although my home is not available for rent, I would like to think that, if I ever wanted to, I would have that option.  The potential for rental income from this property adds value to my investment, whether I choose to do it or not.

My neighborhood also has condos and townhomes in it. After spending my first summer there, I have noticed that the majority of the noise is coming from those dwellings.  This new law wouldn't affect those units.  How does that help the noise level in my neighborhood?

Two weekends ago, there was a group of people on a porch across the street from me until at least 4 AM.  They weren't incredibly loud, but I could hear pretty much everything they were saying.  What did I do?  I went to bed with my air conditioning on and fell asleep.  I can honestly say that it was the first and only time this summer that I experienced any sort of noise after midnight.

These people are on vacation.  They're connecting with family members or friends and having a good time.  When you own a home in a resort area, you have to expect that this is going to happen.  Personally, I love the sound of a group of people having a good time (within reason).  I would hope that no one has a problem when I sit on my patio with my kids or my friends at night with my party lights and candles!

Of course, there are extremes and no one wants a rowdy group making noise all night and disturbing a whole street that is trying to sleep.  Cases like this can be dealt with by the police, if necessary.  Since January 1, 2013,  there have been 13 noise violation complaints from rental properties in the neighborhoods targeted for this ban.  Seriously?!  Does this really warrant a total ban on the rental of single family homes?

In a couple of months, my neighborhood will be so quiet that I will be able to hear the waves crashing on the beach.  I honestly think that makes it worth a couple of loud weekends during the summer!

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