Wednesday, June 18, 2014

6/20 - 6/22 Beach Weekend Planner: "Senior" Week Part II - Taking My 70 Year Old Mom to the Beach

Though the weather looks a bit threatening, I'm going to take the trip to the sand and hope for the best. The Firefly Festival hits Dover this weekend and I'm hoping that the traffic back-up on Route 1 is nothing like what I saw in the news from last years festival.

This weekend, I will be taking my mother down to OC to see my beach house for the first time. She hasn't had a real vacation for almost 12 years because she has been caring for my father after he had a major stroke. She deserves some R & R and I hope to be able to help her to relax.

When I asked my mother what she wanted to do most this weekend, she told me that she really only wanted to get some Thrasher's French Fries. She insists that we have to get them in Rehoboth because the ones in OC and Bethany are "not the same". So, I'm really looking forward to driving all the way to Rehoboth from OC just to get some friggin' French fries! This shouldn't surprise me. She believes that the Orville Redenbacher popcorn is fresher if you get it from Super Fresh and that milk from Rite Aid tastes better than milk from Acme. It's enough to make me crazy sometimes, but I usually appease her so I'm partly to blame!

What should I do with a 70 year old woman who has trouble walking and easts mostly junk food?

1. Check out the FREE Live ice show at the Carousel Hotel. Shows run nightly at 6:30 through August 11. Here's some more info:

2. Ride the Tram Car on the OC Boardwalk. I actually tried this for the first time in my life a few weeks ago. It's something I've always wanted to do, but never did. The best part of the ride was listening to the conductor and his buddies in the back of the tram talking about the people on the boards. Hilarious! Sit in the back for added entertainment! Fare is $3 (you must have exact change! No exceptions!). 

3. Grab a Sundae at Dumsers Dairyland
I've been going to Dumser's for ice cream and casual dining since my kids were babies. They serve breakfast until 2 PM and offer a variety of ice cream treats. Sort of reminds me of a Friendly's - only cleaner. Mom will definitely want to grab a Banana Split and hang out here for a while.

4. Have dinner at Nick's House of Ribs
I like Nick's food. I really do. But, every time I go, I feel like I've been transported back to my youth. A time when every restaurant had brick, brass, dim tiffany-style lighting, and carpet. This is the kind of place Mom loves and where she can get a nice slab of prime rib washed down with a Coca-Cola. Ugh. I'll stick with the ribs (because they are quite good) and reminisce about my days of feathered hair and legwarmers.

Once I've fed her and exposed her to the salt air, I should be able to get her to nap for a while back at the house and I will be able to catch up on some yard work or take a walk to the bay. I can almost guarantee that, by Saturday afternoon, she'll be asking to go home early. Gotta love her!

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