Tuesday, June 17, 2014

How The I495 Closure is Messing With My Beach Ride

I've never been a huge fan or heavy user of I495. It always seemed to me that you only used it if you were driving a large truck or if you live in Pennsylvania. There's something a bit ominous about that stretch of highway that, especially at night, sort of bothered me.

Today, I have a new appreciation for I495 because, now, I have to share I95 with the truckers and the people from PA. When I495 closed two weeks ago, I really didn't think it would be a problem 'cause, ya' know, nobody uses I495 anyway, right? Wrong!I'm having to get a bit creative about my start and return times from the beach. Leaving Thursday evenings is always a good idea, especially if I go later (last week, I left at 8:45 PM and arrived at my beach house in OC exactly 2 hours later). Coming home yesterday after leaving OC at 11 AM was a different story. Although traffic was heavy heading north, we were all moving at a good speed and there were no delays - until we hit I95. From that point on, a leg of my trip that normally takes 10 minutes took 45. 

Now I'm trying to decide what to do next week. Do I skip I95 altogether and head up Route 13 to Route 141 to get to North Wilmington? Should I leave the beach at 6 AM to beat the traffic? Take a boat through the Delaware Bay and head up the Delaware River? I don't think that there are any easy answers for this dilemma.
Fortunately, everyone stuck on I95 yesterday (a hot, sunny afternoon) seemed to be acting pretty cool and understanding that we are all in this together. I only hope that feeling of brotherhood can last through Labor Day, when they claim that part of the I495 bridge will reopen.

My traffic survival kit consists of snacks (granola, yogurt, Tic Tacs and gummy bears) and bottled water. I keep a couple of "This American Life" podcasts on my iphone and ipod to help pass the time and calm the nerves. This will be my solution for the rest of the summer and, as long as I don't drink too much of the bottled water, my new 3-4 hour beach commute should go smoothly.

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