Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Weekend Highlights: Ice Show at the Carousel Hotel and Dining Bayside at BJs

I survived Senior Citizen Week at the beach!  My mother and I arrived in OC on Friday afternoon after a stop at Go Brit in Lewes.  Mom tried the fish and chips and I had the chicken and chips (my favorite - yum!).  After taking Mom on a tour of my new house (she doesn't understand the wall hangings and have I considered new carpet?), we headed to the beach at 136th St. It took us a while to get to the water with our chairs (Mom's not the quickest walker), but we eventually made it and sat and relaxed for a while.

We had dinner at the Carousel Hotel in the "fine dining" restaurant.  Meh.

After dinner, we were able to catch the FREE Ice Skating Show in the Carousel Hotel Atrium.  Wow!  Those kids are good!  The show runs approx. 1/2 hour and features some cool music, costumes and choreography.  We were pretty impressed.  I'd like to check this out again some time.

Mom likes to watch HGTV, so I spent Friday evening on my couch listening to her criticize home renovations ("They spend $685K for THAT!??)

Saturday, we hit the boards and watched the construction of the Dew Tour facility for a while.  It's pretty amazing how quick that went up.  They were just loading the materials on to the beach when I was there the week before.  After snacking our way back to the inlet parking lot (Fractured PruneThrashers Fries, and Hot Dogs), I took Mom back to my house for a much needed nap.

Saturday night, we dined under the clouds on the deck at BJs On The Water.  I had a surprisingly good dinner.  I had only ever had apps and drinks at BJs, but the Terriyaki Chicken and rice was quite delicious, as well as my salad with homemade blue cheese dressing.  Mom decided to get a lobster tail dinner, which she said was the best she's had in a long time.  We topped it off with delicious desserts (I had Dulce de Leche cake and Mom had a giant ice cream sundae) and headed home to watch more HGTV.

It was a relaxing weekend and I think Mom had a good time reminding me how to drive!

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