Sunday, September 21, 2014

September = Sun, Sand, and Sleep

This past Sunday was, probably, the most beautiful day that I've spent at the beach since I bought my house in March.  After doing a bit of yard work, my husband and I spent a lazy afternoon watching football, reading, and falling asleep on couches.  It really isn't anything different than we would have done at our home in Wilmington, but it felt so much better doing it there!

I've been looking forward to these days of cooler temps and have been curious to see what it's like to live like a local - even if I'm only doing it on weekends. 

My Sun Room (Nap Headquarters)

My first test was my ride down on Saturday afternoon.  When I didn't hit the usual back-ups in Rehoboth and Dewey, I knew that the season was over.  Saturday night, we went to Bethany and had dinner at Bethany Blues.  There was a short (20 minute) wait and we had no problem finding a parking space on  Garfield Parkway.  Dinner was great and we headed back to OC to spend a relaxing evening with friends.

I also noticed that many of the little shops that I would have loved to have gone in to were closed Saturday evening.  I guess the shop owners can't justify staying open for the smaller crowds, but I think that they are missing an opportunity for sales from the people who are coming to town for dinner or an evening stroll on the boards.

As usual, my weekend beach fix helped me to forget all the stress and strife of my "real life" and calm myself enough to face the week ahead.  I know that, some time soon, I will have to start spending more weekends in N. Wilmington and focus on the things that I've been escaping from since Spring.  But, for now, I'm going to squeeze in as many lazy beach weekends as I can. 

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