Saturday, September 13, 2014

THOT Attire: Dressing For Success

Each summer, I like to look at the T-Shirts hanging in the shop windows on the boardwalk to see what the most popular designs are.  Last year, there was plenty of Breaking Bad and Duck Dynasty references.  This year, Miley Cyrus seems to be pretty popular, as well as shirts using the likeness of Marilyn Monroe (?), the use of the word "Swag", red Solo cup references, and the usual "I Survived Senior Week" items.

This year, I noticed a lot of decals referring to THOT.  Having no clue what that means, I asked my twenty-something kids and their friends.  They didn't know either.  So - off to the Urban Dictionary I went and found it defined as follows:  A THOT is a hoe.  It is an acronym for That Hoe Over There.

Whenever they sell one of these shirts, they should give away a free "I'm With Stupid" shirt to the friend of whoever is buying the THOT shirt.  That way, at least people might feel sorry for the girl.

Given the fact that my twenty-something kids didn't know what it meant, I am inclined to believe that it is a term that is being used by teens or very young adults.  This makes me a bit sick to my stomach.  I can't imagine why any young lady would want to wear a shirt advertising her status as a hoe (unless she wants to be more of one).  Maybe I'm sounding a bit old.  I don't care.  It's trashy and I have more of a problem with this decal hanging on the boardwalk than I do with the pole dancer hanging on the boardwalk (literally). 

Freedom of speech and all that....blah...blah...blah.  Sure.  But no self-respecting young woman should ever be seen wearing some of the shirts I've seen hanging in these store fronts this summer.  How low must their self-esteem be?  This is why girls grow up to marry men who beat the crap out of them in an Atlantic City elevator (too soon?).

Tacky, fringed beach cover-ups - fine.  String bikinis with beaded ties - o.k.  But even slutty beachwear has its limits.  I think these decals crossed a line and raised the bar higher for next summer's most popular demeaning decal.

Have a Nice Day Smiley Face T-shirts

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