Monday, October 09, 2017

Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Changes

Suburban Mermaid came to me in a dream that I had a long, long time ago (long before I owned a beach house).  In this dream, I owned a swimsuit company called - you guessed it - Suburban Mermaid.  I bought the domain name the next morning and have held on to it for all of these years.

After I bought my beach house, I was frustrated at the lack of "insider" information that was available to me about activities, shopping, and dining in the DE/MD resort towns.  I thought that it would be nice if there was a place where people could go and get the real scoop on beach businesses.  I created this blog to fill that void and offer some humor and insider information on where to go and what to do at the beach.

For the past couple of years, I hope that I have been a useful, or perhaps just entertaining, source of information for my fellow beach lovers.

At this time, I am taking a break from my regular posts on this blog to consider which direction I want to go with it.  

I just renewed the domain and hope that, someday, I can do something more meaningful (and lucrative!) with it.  After all - it's not every day that you get the name of a business in a dream.  Maybe that swimsuit company isn't a bad idea after all!

Please know that I will continue to trek South every weekend to enjoy my time on and near the sand.  I will continue to seek out the tastiest crab cakes in the resort area and I will continue to make fun of people who talk too loud on the beach.

I love to write and always wanted to write something that was helpful to many.  This blog has given me the confidence to reach out to others in a public way, which was a great and helpful experience.

Thank you to the three people who read this blog and to those that have clicked on the ads.  Your efforts have given me $3.73, but the dream of potential big money has been priceless.

Keep swimming.

Monday, July 17, 2017

The More You Know - July Beach Edition

Observations from last weekend at the beach:

1.  Fractured Prune doughnuts all taste the same.  Don't spend 10 minutes staring at the menu board and holding up the line while you decide if you want the Salted Caramel or the OC Sand.  They taste EXACTLY the same.  You'll love them both.  Move along so that the rest of us can get on our way.

2.  You bitches are carrying waaaaaayyyy too much to the sand.  Are those your kids sand toys?  Oh hell no!  They will play with it for no more than 3 minutes.  The rest of the time, they're going to want to swim, dig for sand crabs, and run to the ice cream man when he rings the bell at your street.  Save the shoulder pain and pack light.  Better yet, make your man carry that shit.

No No No No No No No

3.  What's with the make-up?  I watched a woman's face literally melt on Saturday night while sitting on the deck at BJ's on the Water.  Literally.  Take a vacation from your usual make up.  You look good with that little bit of sunburn that you picked up on the beach.  Add some mascara and you're good to go.

4.  Two really important facts:  Just because you have a karaoke machine, doesn't mean that you can sing.  Also - drinking more alcohol does not make you a better singer (even if you are in a hot tub).

5.  Big thanks to PNC Bank for putting an ATM machine on Coastal Highway in Fenwick Island.

6.  Everyone in Northeastern Pennslvania takes vacation in Ocean City, MD.  None of them drive over 30 MPH.

7.  That Off!  Cutter stuff really works.  Week #3 and still no mosquitos.  Not sure what's in it (not sure I want to know), but it's pretty effective.

This coming weekend, I am going to explore the foreign shores of Atlantic City, NJ!  I'm heading to see The Who at Boardwalk Hall.  It will be interesting to see another part of the Atlantic coast (a part that I have not seen since I was a little girl) and spend a bit of time with the person who makes-me-laugh-so-hard-that-I-pee-a-little-and-always-lets-me-drive-because-he-knows-I'm-insane-if-I-don't - my super-cool husband.

I'm going to bet that there will be very few people from NE Pennsylvania in Atlantic City and I'm also going to bet that there will be no moms carrying sand toys.  I really don't know what to expect, but I'm really looking forward to it.

Meet me tonight in Atlantic City!

I'll miss my OC trip this week.  Hope you all enjoy and remember to pack light.  I leave you with this Word of the Week from the OCMD boardwalk:

Love you all!

Saturday, July 08, 2017


Anyone who knows me can attest to the fact that there are only a few things that will make me act like a crazy woman: car trouble, large appliance trouble, and insects.

Car and appliance trouble can usually be fixed.  Insects attack you when you're not expecting it, then leave their nasty insect juice in you to itch, swell, burn and make life unbearable.  I have developed a bug phobia of sorts.  When I see an insect, I freak out and act like I'm in the scary boat ride scene in Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory. 

Last weekend, I shared the beach with thousands of people, but the only beings that bothered me were no bigger than an a few grains of sand.  After much research, I have determined that the insects that attacked me and made my week a living hell were No-See-Ums aka Sand Flies.  According to the internet, their bites produce itchy, red welts which can persist for more than a week.

Here's a picture of a dead one ('cause I killed it)

Here is a picture of what the little fuckers did to me.  They did this to various parts of my body (some of them I couldn't post).  This is under my armpit.

These little bastards were back on the beach today, but there weren't as many of them.  Yesterday, there were none.  I'm guessing it must have something to do with the environmental conditions.   I also wonder why they took many bites of my body and none of my husband's (??)

In spite of my bug "problem", I'm going to face my fear and head back to the sand next weekend.  

The DE/MD beaches are crazy crowded right now, but everyone is being pretty cool (for the most part).  If you're heading down, take your patience with you.  You're not going anywhere quickly because of the traffic and some of the tourists really don't know where they hell they're going, which makes them drive a bit erratic.  Be cool, people.

Enjoy the week and pack your bug spray!!

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Oh Maryland!

When my kids were teenagers, I wrote a blog to document some of the insane things that they would say.  I called it Teenage Quote of the Day.

Some of the entries included titles such as "I got it pierced in art class" and "What's the best way to put out a fire in a plastic trash container?"

Now that my kids have grown into reasonable and intelligent adults, I'm always looking for humans who will make my eyes roll and put a smile on my face at the same time.  Turns out, all I had to do was listen to the conversations going on around me on the beach in Ocean City, MD.

Here are a few examples from my sand neighbors last Sunday:

"She'll stop crying soon.  There's a boob on the way"

"Dad, can you get my back?" 

"Who left all this shit by the car?"  (It was Anthony.  It's always Anthony)

To be fair, everyone seemed a bit stressed out on the beach last Sunday.  It was sort of cloudy and the water was pretty cold.  People seemed to be cranky and tired.  Maybe they were all thinking about the long drive home that was ahead of them, or maybe some were enduring the typical tension that occurs during the first day or two of a family vacation (ugh - I don't miss that).

July 4 is coming up and there's a ton of stuff to do at the DE/MD beaches.  Rehoboth Beach has scheduled their fireworks display for Sunday, July 2 at approximately 9:15.

Ocean City is keeping it real and holding their Independence Day events on Independence Day (Hey Rehoboth - that's July 4!) at two locations - uptown at Northside Park and downtown on the beach/boardwalk at North Division St.  Fireworks and concerts will be at both locations starting at 8 PM.

To celebrate my upcoming long weekend at the beach, I wrote a new poem:

When I'm at the beach, I wear less clothes,
There is no Target or Trader Joe's.

I drive Coastal Highway with sand in my trunk,
And pass by Seacrets where the bitches get drunk.

On the boardwalk, I eat french fries,
That is why I have fat thighs.

Hope you all have a very safe and very happy 4th of July!

Monday, June 12, 2017

Something in the Air

Last night in Wilmington, I walked to the top of the highest hill in my neighborhood to view the launch of a small rocket from NASA's Wallops Island Flight Facility in Virginia.  This rocket is going to create colorful blue, green, and red artificial clouds (vapor tracers).  These clouds will allow scientists on the ground to trace particle motions in space.  The launch was scrubbed last night due to "boats in the area", but is back on for tonight (June 12) between 9:04 and 9:19 PM.  

The view from the DE/MD resort areas should be pretty cool.  If it doesn't happen tonight, it could be any other night this week.  Check out NASA's Wallops Island Facebook page here:

Image of the Terrier-Improved Malamute Rocket that is set to launch from
NASA's Wallops Island Flight Facility this week.

While you're looking up, the OC Air Show is happening this weekend in Ocean City, MD.   Flight performances begin on Saturday 6/17 at noon and are centered at 16th St. and the boardwalk.

Blue Angels in Ocean City, MD

Since it's Fathers Day on Sunday, you can hang out in OC and check out the Fathers Day Fatherhood Beer Festival at Sunset Park at Bayside & S. Division St.  $35 from 1 PM to 5 PM.

I'll be heading back to OC on Thursday June 15 and, though the weather forecast looks a bit shitty, I'm looking forward to finding a little bit of time to relax on the sand.

I'd like to get in to Rehoboth or Bethany this weekend to take a stroll or two.  

In Rehoboth Beach, The Uptown Band is playing at the bandstand on Rehoboth Ave. at 8 PM on Friday, June 16.

Also in Rehoboth Beach, my cousin, Katelyn Christine, will be performing country music covers and original songs at Cooter Brown's Southern Kitchen and Bourbon Bar (former Hooter's space) from 8 PM to 11 PM on Saturday June 17.

The Bethany Beach Bandstand has the US Air Force Band, Max Impact, scheduled for Friday night at 7:30 and a Neil Diamond cover band scheduled for Saturday.

Lots of stuff happening @ the beach.  Can't wait to get back there.  Happy Fathers Day!!

Sunday, May 21, 2017

100 Nights of Light

If it's time to switch directly from heat to A/C, you must be in Delaware and it must be Memorial Day Weekend.

Sort of hard to believe that it's that time of year again.  It's been a strange and chilly spring - not the usual way we ease in to Summer.  

Like many people, I will have a nice, long 4 day weekend and I'm heading to the beach.  

I might get a start on painting my beach house shed to match the house (we didn't do that last year after we had the house painted) and, if the weather permits, I am looking forward to my first outdoor shower of the season.

OCMD has a cool new event for this summer called "100 Nights of Lights".  It starts this weekend and runs through Labor Day every night from 9-11 PM.  The display features colored searchlights on the beach that move to music.  Here's a rendering below showing what it's supposed to look like.  When I see it, I'll take a pic of what it actually looks like.

100 Nights of Lights on the OCMD Boardwalk starts this weekend

Also happening this weekend is the Poseidon Festival in Bethany Beach DE.  I may have to head there on Saturday night (5/27) to check out the Trinidad & Tobago Baltimore Steel Orchestra at 7:30 PM.  I love steel drums and I think that would be a great way to kick off Summer 2017.  

The rest of my weekend is going to be filled with walking, shopping, relaxing, and eating.  Can't wait!

I hope everyone has a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend!  

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Talkin' Bout Trucks

This coming weekend (5/18 - 5/21) is the one weekend that I don't want to be anywhere near my beach house.  It is time for Cruisin' Ocean City!

This year promises to be better than ever.  Celebrity guests such as Erik Estrada and Kevin Mack from Counting Cars will be in town, the Fred Flintstone Show Car will be here, and there is a Pin-Up Contest at 28th St. Pit and Pub - all good things (if you're into those sort of things).

What I can't stand about this weekend are the big trucks (and I mean really big trucks), loud cars, and the stupid spectators and pedestrians who don't use crosswalks or watch where they are going.  

My house is a few blocks from Coastal Highway and I can hear engines rumbling, tires screeching, and people hootin' and hollerin' from my house.

I may "cruise" in to town on Thursday night to mow my lawn and pay homage to the ocean, but I'll be "crusin" right back out on Friday morning before the hardcore hillbillies arrive in town.  Cruisin' weekend is no place for me or any one of my three foreign vehicles.

Have fun, y'all!  I'll see you next weekend!!

Monday, May 08, 2017

Sun + Sand + Alcohol = Cops + Courts

At any grocery or hardware store in Ocean City, MD, you can find the free weekly papers that offer deals and coupons to local restaurants and amusements.  They also have some local news regarding town meetings, tax increases, and the comings and goings of local officials.  

I pick these up every week because I like to see the local restaurant deals and I really enjoy reading the Cops and Courts secion in the OC Dispatch.  For those of you who aren't familiar with this humorous police blotter, here are a few recent headlines:







OCPD Keeping our boards safe from cable box thieves

The stories that accompany these headlines provide a great amount of detail that allow the reader to get a full description of the events.  Most of these, of course, involve various levels of drug or alcohol intoxication.

It's usually nothing major - no murders or rapes.  Occasionally, you get a nasty assault charge.  But, mostly, these stories are laughable.

In spite of these crazy arrests, I still feel safe on the streets of OC.  There are so many people around, you can't really get away with doing anything too bad for too long this time of year.  I truly am more bothered by the people who light up cigarettes on the boardwalk!

On the safer streets of North OC this past weekend, I discovered a new favorite pizza place.  Squarz Pizza Pub at 12825 Coastal Highway (in the Montego Bay Shopping Center) is really good!  I tried the Chesapeke 4 Slice with crabmeat, shrimp, scampi sauce and other delicious stuff.  I guess you would call it a personal-sized pizza, but it was big enough for me to take half home to eat for lunch the following day.  The place is really nice inside - service was friendly and they have a good sized bar too.  I will definitely be back soon!

Squarz Pizza Chesapeke 4 Slice

Also new in North OC - Fractured Prune Donut Shop on 144th St!  Yup.  Next to Ponzetti's Pizza.  Now, you can grab those hot little disks of sin on your way out of town every Sunday morning.  

If you're taking your Mom to the beach this weekend, ther Crab Soup Cook-Off in Downtown OC Boardwalk) was canceled until the Fall due to predicted bad weather.  

If you want to do something in memory of a Mother who is no longer with us, there is a 3 mile fun run/walk at Northside Park at 125th St. in OCMD on Sunday 5/14.  Register at Abbey Burger Bistro between 7:30 and 8:15 AM.  

In Dewey Beach, Mom would probably love the Dewey Beach Arts Festival on Saturday 5/13 from 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM. You'll find it on Dagsworthy Ave (bayside) and there will be food trucks!

Also happening this weekend - Funland in Rehoboth Beach opens!  The weather might not be ready for summer, but Rehoboth is.  

In honor of Mothers Day, here's a cool photo that the DE Art Museum posted today on Facebook.  It is the family of American illustrator/author Howard Pyle on Rehoboth Beach in the summer of 1894.  Love those baby beanies!  

The Pyle Family:  Anne Pyle (Mrs. Howard Pyle) with her children, Howard Jr.,
Theodore, Phoebe, and Nellie, in Rehoboth Beach in the summer of 1894.

Wishing everyone a safe, happy, and warm Mothers Day!!

Wednesday, May 03, 2017

Good Vibrations & Bad Reputations

I've never been a huge fan of Joan Jett's music, but I do have a vivid memory of singing "Bad Reputation" with my friends at a parking lot carnival when I was 13 years old.  I was probably holding a cigarette and wearing my t-shirt with the "Foxy Lady" decal know...I didn't give a damn about my bad reputation!

Stay Classy, Joan!

It's a good thing I changed my attitude a few months later.  Otherwise, I might never have been in the position to head to my beach house this weekend and go see Joan Jett at the inlet parking lot in OCMD.  How cool is that?  Joan Jett playing guitar right over the spot where I park my car to go buy french fries!  I had to get tickets.  Got some good seats, too.  I'm looking forward to rockin' out with the other badass moms this Saturday night.  Want tickets too?  Sorry Bitches!  It's a sold out show.

OCMD Springfest is this weekend (5/4/17 - 5/7/17).  There are still tix left for The Fabulous Hubcaps on Thursday night, but Josh Turner is sold out for Friday.

As we make our way closer to Memorial Day and the start of the summer season, there are a few new things going on at the DE/MD beach resorts that I'm looking forward to checking out.  The one thing I'm definitely going to check out is the new restaurant they are building in DE Seashore State Park at the Indian River Inlet - on the beach!!   The Big Chill Beach Club is scheduled to open in May.  It will be a bar/restaurant and wedding venue (up to 160 people sit-down, 200 cocktail).  The views from the top deck of this place are going to be amazing.  I don't even care what the food tastes like - this is going to be cool.

Aerial view - This place is going to be freakin' awesome

Another new restaurant is opening in Fenwick Island where Claddagh on the Shore used to be.  The owners of Liquid Assets in OCMD are opening Our Harvest  some time this month.  I checked out their menu online and it looks promising - definitely different than the ribs/chicken/crab places that seem to be popping up on every corner south of Fenwick 

I'm looking forward to a chilly and relaxing weekend and hoping for no rain, good parking, happy tourists, and light traffic.  

It's May!!  Wooo hooo!! 

Thursday, April 13, 2017

When The Ocean Calls...

I bought this tacky fridge magnet at Rose's Discount Store a few weeks ago:

I know it's silly, but it's how I feel ALL OF THE TIME.  Each and every week, as I trudge through work and home life in Wilmington, I am hearing the call of the ocean.  It's like I'm not my real self unless I'm near it.  

I suppose it's not really that I'm craving the beach as much as wanting to escape reality.  It puts a small wedge between me and the stress of real life (work, elderly parents, etc).  Even an overnight seems to help me hit the reset button on my mood.

Tonight, I did my evening walk on the boardwalk in OCMD.  I walked to the end of the fishing pier and saw that the sun was getting ready to set (and it looked like it was gonna be a good one),

 so I quickly drove to Northside Park to get a good view from the pier on the bay.  I was right - another super awesome sunset!

When I see sights like these, I literally feel high.  I find my self inhaling as if I am drawing the scenery into my lungs and taking a "hit" of the atmosphere.  It is, without a doubt, so much better than any substance that I've ever put in my body.

It's Easter weekend and I'm sure that there's a bunch of stuff happening down here.  I have to head back to Wilmington tomorrow, but I'm already looking forward to heading back here next weekend.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

In Case You Were Wondering...

As the snow melts in northern DE, the resort towns remain frost-free and are gearing up for the season.

During my visit last weekend, I noticed a definite increase in traffic and activity.  The Dewey Beach clubs are now open and the sidewalks are starting to fill up with the usual array of patrons (bachelorette party girls, douchebag college guys, and people-who-are-way-too-old-to-be-hanging-out-in-Dewey-Beach-on-a-Friday-night-but-since-the-divorce-they-decided-that-they're-just-going-to-live-life-and-have-fun-(yay-girlz-weekend).

There's not a whole hell of a lot happening @ the beach this weekend.  We're sort of in the lull between St. Patricks Day and Easter.

Instead of listing the boring activities that actually are happening (Painting with a Twist, Cape Henolopen Flea Market), I am going to share an interesting bit of Rehoboth Beach history.

When I was 15, I stumbled upon the stretch of beach between Dewey and Rehoboth. Because I was young and naive, I thought that I had died and went to heaven.  Gorgeous and tanned young men with amazing bodies were everywhere!  Years later, I realized that I had walked through one of the most popular gay beaches in the USA.  I still laugh when I think about how I excitedly grabbed my friends arm and commented on the massive amount of "hunks" while making sure that my bikini top was tied to create the most cleavage that I could muster from AA cup breasts.

I have always wondered how a town that was founded as a conservative Methodist Meeting Camp could turn in to one of the most gay-friendly resort towns in the USA.  After a brief bit of research, I now know the answer.

The Methodist Meeting Camp was abandoned in the late 1800's.  Shortly after, Rehoboth Beach became popular with tourists who arrived by train and walked the newly constructed boardwalk.  Washington DC lawmakers and their staff members discovered Rehoboth Beach and started heading there for summer getaways.  Then, just as now, many of these tourists were gay.

Rumor has it that the Dupont property along the ocean was where gay night life in Rehoboth Beach began.  Politicians, famous artists, and Hollywood royalty partied at the mansion, which sits near the very same stretch of beach where I encountered all of those hunky men when I was 15!

From the 1960s - 1990s, a few hotels and night clubs would cater to gay tourists, but rarely did they mix with the "family-friendly" establishments that lined Rehoboth Avenue.  I can vividly remember The Rengegade, which was kept hidden from the highway behind a high wall.  With the help of organizations such as CAMP Rehoboth (Creating A More Positive Rehoboth), the town is now friendly to everyone and no establishment needs to hide itself or its patrons.

Part of the wall in front of The Renegade

Thanks to gay entrepreneurs, Rehoboth Beach is now a culturally diverse destination with the outstanding restaurants and unique shops.  It is, without a doubt, one of my favorite places to hang out and one of the many reasons that I am proud to be a Delawarean.

This weekend's looking pretty awesome.  Mid-sixties and sunny on Saturday.  Perfect weather to take a stroll down Rehoboth Avenue.  Enjoy!

Monday, March 06, 2017

Is Breá Liom An Trá (I Love The Beach)

Got some Gaelic up in the title of this jawn.  Blame Google Translate if it's wrong.  

I know it's been a while.  What the hell is wrong with me?  If this blog were the only thing I was neglecting, I wouldn't be concerned.  Lately, it seems that I'm doing a pretty good job of sucking at life in general.  Might be time to make a few changes, huh?

Maybe I'll start by heading to the beach this weekend to check out some of the St. Patricks Day events.  There is the annual parade and festival in OCMD on Saturday, March 11 (12 PM).  It runs from 58th to 44th St.  There is a festival in the parking lot of 45th St. Village as well.  

Photo from OCMD 2016 St. Patty's Day Parade.  A tiny horse (we'll call him Lil' Sebastian).

Saturday evening @ 9 PM, there is live music at Blackwall Hitch on Rehoboth Avenue.  I've always wanted to try this place.  Maybe I'll try it for a late dinner, then hang out for the tunes.

Next weekend, Rehoboth Beach is having its 26th Annual Chocolate Festival on March 18 (11AM - 3:45PM).  This year, they are holding it at the Atlantic Sands Hotel (the convention center is closed for renovations).  Click here for details and tickets.

Lately, we've been lucky enough to have some really warm and sunny days in the DE/MD resort towns.  I took advantage of one such day a couple of weeks ago, and headed to sit on a bench and have my yogurt and granola snack while looking at the beautiful, sparkling water and quiet Assateague Island.  I still love those moments - they never fail to make me smile.

OCMD near the inlet on 2/24/17

Soon, we'll have more and more days like that.  The weather will warm and, before you know it, I'll be bitching about how hot it is.  I can't wait!

Sona St lá Pádraig (that means Happy St. Patricks Day) (I think).

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Cake By The Ocean

Valentines Day used to be my favorite holiday.

It was a bright spot during the gray and cold winter months.

One of my favorite memories from my childhood is decorating the white paper bag that would hold Valentine cards from my classmates and hanging it below the chalkboard at the front of the room.  I always made sure that my name stood out in big, bold letters so that everyone knew that it was mine.  

I chose the cards that I gave to my classmates with great care.  Images of cute skunks or bumblebees went to the girls I played hopscotch with on the playground.  Cowboys or astronauts were the choice for any one of the three (or four) boys that I happened to have a crush on that year.  Less popular designs, such as cats with sayings like "You're Purrrrrfect for me", went to the classmates who were rumored to pick their noses and eat their boogers.

Today, my Valentines Day is pretty boring.  We work all day and avoid the pink-frosted cupcake because of the sugar and calories.  We decide that we won't get Valentines Day gifts for each other because "what do we really need anyway?" and we watch those crazy, young lovers spend way too much on flowers, candy, and jewelry.  We don't need that.

Many of these lovers (young and old) will be heading to the resort towns for the weekend before Valentines Day (2/10 - 2/12) to spend some time getting cozy by the sea and take advantage of the numerous hotel and restaurant specials that the area has to offer.

Here are some fun and romantic ideas for those who still like to celebrate:

1.  Take a warm blanket to the boardwalk in OCMD on Saturday or Sunday between 11 AM and 5 PM for a Valentine's Horse & Carriage Ride.  For $40 per couple, you get a box of chocolate, a rose, and champagne for the ride.

2.  Make Pussy hats.  The Wool and Fiber Expo is happening at the OC Convention Center on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.  This annual event promotes the natural fiber industry by offering shopping, classes, and demonstrations taught by artisans.

3.  Love Yourself.  The Atlantic Sands Hotel in Rehoboth Beach is hosting the 2017 Beebe Health Fair on Saturday 2/11 from 9 AM - 3 PM.  This event offers free health screenings, cooking demonstrations, educational materials and giveaways, light refreshments (probably no chocolate or pink-frosted cupcakes), entertainment, and free flu shots.

4.  Chocolate and Antiques.  The Lewes Historical Society's Historic Chocolate Demonstration and Antiques Sale is on 2/11 from 10 AM - 4 PM at Midway School #178 (110 Shipcarpenter Street).  Volunteer living history interpreters in period gard will demonstrate historic chocolate making techniques (including drinkable chocolate) and offer free samples to visitors.  In addition there will be a small sale offering antique jewelry, glassware, and dishware.

5.  Create Your Own Fun.  As you can tell from the above suggestions, there's not a whole hell of a lot going on at the beach this time of year.  However, most of the hotels and restaurants that are open off-season are offering some pretty sweet deals for couples this month.  Check out Boardwalk Plaza in Rehoboth Beach or Dunes Manor Hotel & Suites in OCMD for some really nice packages.

As for me, I may take a trip to the beach house with my forever crush for a night or two.  

Happy Valentines Day to all.  Whatever your plans are, I hope that you get some love, give some love, and give extra love to all of those who may need it.  XOXOXO