Thursday, July 17, 2014

Beach Weekend Plans: 7/18/14-7/20/14

It's already time to start planning my beach weekend.  The weather is looking good and, this week, my niece, Emily, and her boyfriend, Matt will be joining us at the beach house.  I'm hoping that my son and his fiancĂ©e can make it down as well.  Since my niece is not yet 21, I expect our activities to be "all ages".  Here's a couple of things I have planned:

Mini Golf:  We can walk to Old Pro Golf at 136th St. from my house.  It costs $8.50 (adult) to play and they have an indoor course as well. 

Lombardi's Pizza:  I tried this pizza for the first time a few weeks ago and I do believe that I have FINALLY found the best pizza in OC.  Thin crust, tasty sauce, and the right amount of toppings make these pies perfect.  Trattoria Lombardi's is located at 94th St. in OC and they have a decent sit-down restaurant as well.

Trimper's Haunted House:  I must admit that this is more for me than the "young ones".  I remember going on this ride as a kid and the wonderful moment when the car exits the building then goes along the outside balcony over the boardwalk.  You get an amazing view of the ocean and a cool blast of sea air.  Every time I visit the boards, I suggest that we go on the ride, but none of my guests are ever interested (my Mom almost did, but chickened out because she was that someone would grab her).  This weekend, I'm going in - even if I have to go alone!

Shore Silver (Rehoboth Beach):  I recently lost one of my favorite silver hoop earrings and I'm really missing it.  I saw an ad for this store in the Wilmington paper this week and it looks like they have decent prices.  I plan to head north to check the store out and find a new pair (and maybe a few other things).

I'm thinking about heading home late this Sunday again.  I really enjoyed my extra time on the beach last weekend and it was such a nice, relaxing ride home during sunset.  Let's hope that the weather is good and everyone has a fun weekend!

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