Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Ocean City's Boardwalk Oddities

This past weekend, I took my niece and her boyfriend to the boardwalk in Ocean City.  It was a packed Saturday night and there was no lack of entertainment - sanctioned or otherwise!

We saw this guy (I'm calling him the Gold Squeaky Man): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQfskOu9gUE , which was really funny.  We also saw the Boardwalk Bagpiper (which was more entertaining when a couple of young girls starting Irish Step Dancing in front of him), lots of un-official Disney characters hanging around for photos for tips, Batman's Joker (also un-official), a violinist, a DJ, and countless people dressed in clothing that was waaaaayyy too small for their bodies!

I finally got to go in to the Haunted House and was not disappointed - nothing about it has changed since I was 12 years old! 

We played a couple of games and lost some money.  We stopped for fudge and ice cream.  We were able to get a good parking space at the inlet lot and didn't have any trouble leaving (this time).

Honestly - you don't need to take a lot of money with you to the boards to get an evening full of entertainment.  For the price of parking, you can sit and people-watch or just check out the ridiculous t-shirts hanging in any of the boardwalk shirt shops and have a blast. 

I've been having such a good time stopping by the boards this summer.  I now know the meaning of T.H.O.T. and was able to eat a Fractured Prune doughnut "after-hours".  Life is sooo good!

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