Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Be Safe Out There Folks: Dangerous Rip Currents and Sharks

My heart sank last Friday when I passed 94th St on June 13 and saw that it was blocked by numerous emergency vehicles near the beach.  Never a good sight.  My worst fears were confirmed when, later that night, I heard that a 17 year old drowned as a result of getting caught in a rip current.  This happened two weeks earlier at the beach at 137th St. to an 18 year old.  As a mother, I can only imagine getting that phone call and my heart goes out to the families of these young victims.

Here is some helpful information from the University of Delaware's Sea Grant College Program on what to do if you find yourself caught in a Rip Current: http://www.ceoe.udel.edu/ripcurrents/safety/index.html

Recently, there was a report of a teen in Cape Henlopen who was attacked by a shark.  Looks like he's going to be o.k.  I found a record of shark attacks on the Delaware coast and it looks like there have only been 3 since 1837 and none were fatal.  Since shark attacks are such a rare occurrence in Delaware/Maryland waters, it seems that we really don't have much to worry about. 

However beautiful the ocean may be, we have to remember that, when we swim in it, it's not like swimming in a pool or lake.  We have to be prepared for the unexpected - even when we're standing in water that's only up to our knees.  If we know the dangers, know how to manage them, and swim only in areas that are guarded by beach patrol personnel, we should be able to enjoy a safe and refreshing dip in the sea.

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