Tuesday, July 15, 2014

I Want To Ride My Beach Cruiser

You know how they say that you never forget how to ride a bike?  That's not exactly true.

This past weekend, I purchased a seafoam green Electra Beach Cruiser at Fenwick Bike Shop.  I accessorized it with a pretty, white wicker basket and a cup holder for my water bottle.  As soon as I got it back to my beach house, I hopped on and proceeded to ride to the bay - just like I did the last time I rode a bike - 15 years ago!  Everything was going great.  With a grin on my face and the wind in my hair, I peddled my way down the street like I was a pro.  And, then, I tried to make a right turn.

It's all a blur to me now.  But I know that, no matter what I wanted the bike to do, I was headed for a car on the left side of the road.  It's like I wanted the bike to go right, but my body wanted it to gently veer in to oncoming traffic.  In my panic, I forgot about my brakes and put my foot down to stop myself.  Of course, I was wearing flip-flops and that made for a very ungraceful lurch forward.  My heart was pounding and I walked the bike home and locked it in the shed.
The following morning, I awoke early to go "practice" my turns.  I did better, but only because I was going very, very slow.  I only made one left turn, which was easy to do because it's not as sharp as a right turn. 

My Beach Cruiser

I honestly don't understand what's wrong with me.  I had my daughter try my bike to make sure that there was nothing wrong with it.   As I suspected, there isn't.  It's me.  Could it be that I'm 50 pounds heavier than I was the last time I was on a bike?  Could it be that my balance isn't what it used to be?  I remember riding my ten speed bike with no hands down steep hills when I was a kid.  I remember riding my skateboard up and down the crooked sidewalks of my childhood neighborhood.  What the hell happened?  And why am I so sore?

I added the basket to my Cruiser so that I could ride to the grocery store and avoid traffic, but I'm afraid to take the bike out on to coastal highway.  The only thing I can do now is practice more.  Perhaps I'll go to the parking lot of the Sun & Surf, which is close to my house, on Friday morning and just practice going in circles until I'm comfortable.  I honestly don't know what else to do.  I also thought it might be good to lower the seat all the way down (for now) in case I need to put my feet down to stop myself from falling over. 
I'm determined to master this.  I watch my 70-something year old neighbors hop on their bikes every day to ride to the park.  If they can do it, I can - right?  Ugh.  Stay tuned.  In the meantime, I'm taking my cell phone and I.D. with me each time I hop on - just in case!

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